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Main Ingredients: Black Beans: 1 small cup; White Rice Porridge: 1 bowl. Additional Ingredients: Almonds: some. Seasoning: Sugar: to taste. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boil; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Almond Black Bean Residue Rice Porridge Rinse the black beans and set aside; Put the black beans in a soy milk maker with water, select the ...

Main Ingredients: Duck Blood: 1 box; Konjac Noodles: 1 pack; Leek: 1 small bunch. Seasonings: Bean Paste: 1 tbsp; Scallion, Ginger, Garlic: appropriate amount; Starch: 1 tsp; Pepper: 1 tsp; Oil, Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Slightly Spicy; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Leek, Duck Blood and Konjac Noodles Prepare the ingredients; Boil water ...

Main ingredients: Jiangxi red rice: appropriate amount; coix seed: appropriate amount; glutinous rice: appropriate amount; red dates: appropriate amount; rock sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing – Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge Pour two handfuls of red rice, one handful of glutinous rice, one ...

Main ingredients: 500g pitted jujube; 100g astragalus; 500g sugar. Additional ingredients: 200g yellow rice wine. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: Several days; Difficulty: Ordinary. Astragalus Jujube: A Nourishing and Beautifying Tonic for Moms – Detailed Cooking Steps Prepare the astragalus. Soak the astragalus in yellow rice wine. Add sugar and soak for more than 24 hours to soften the ...