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Main Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour: 150g; Flour: 50g. Additional Ingredients: Boiling Water: 130g; Salt: 1g; Cooking Oil: 1g. Taste: Original; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 30 minutes; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Making Whole Wheat Pancakes Ingredients: Whole Wheat Flour, Flour, Salt. Add salt to the flour and mix well. Add boiling water slowly to the flour and knead into a ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 150g; Pumpkin: 50g. Additional Ingredients: Yeast: as needed; Milk Powder: as needed; Baking Soda: as needed; Roasted Sunflower Seeds: as needed; Raisins: as needed. Flavor: Milky; Technique: Steaming; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Cooking Steps for Pumpkin Milk Cake (Made in Rice Cooker) for Diabetics Peel and core the pumpkin, cut into large pieces, steam in ...

Main Ingredients: Rye Flour: 150g (all-purpose flour works fine); Whole Wheat Flour: 50g; Warm Water: 130g; Old Dough: 70g. Additional Ingredients: Salt: to taste; Baking Soda: 2g; Scallions: to taste. Flavor: Other; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Making Scallion Pancakes with Old Dough (Simple Version) Stir the old dough into warm water and set ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 500g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Fresh Flavoring Agent: 2g; Water: 300g; Cake Material: 4g; Yeast: 4g; Baking Soda: 1g; Sichuan Pepper Powder: Appropriate amount. Seasoning: Salt: 5g. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking Method: Baked; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Simple. Ma Ti Shao Bing Cooking Steps Mix all dry ingredients, add water with salt to make dough, cover with plastic ...

Ingredients: Whole wheat flour: 200g; Fermented dough: 80g; Water: 140g. Seasonings: Salt: 4g; Baking soda: 2g; Oil: a little bit. Taste: Other; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Making Whole Wheat Lotus Leaf Cake Prepare the ingredients. Mix the fermented dough with warm water. Mix the whole wheat flour with salt and baking soda, then ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 500g; Warm water: 400g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Baking soda: 3g; Minced meat: appropriate amount. Seasoning: Salt: 3g. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking No-Knead Meat Pie Mix flour and water with chopsticks. Mix into a paste. It should feel slightly wet and sticky. Cover and let it sit ...

Main ingredients: Glutinous rice flour: 500g. Auxiliary materials: Artemisia juice: 250g; Sugar: 250g. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Fried; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. #Spring Food Wild Vegetable Fragrance# Qingming Artemisia Cake Cooking Steps Wash the fresh Artemisia leaves. Boil about 200ml of water in a pot, add 10g of baking soda, and blanch the Artemisia leaves in the pot. Crush the ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 300g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Cooking Oil: Appropriate amount (for frying pancakes); Room Temperature Water: 90g; Boiling Water: 90g; Green Tea Powder: About 8 to 10g. Oil Dough: Flour: Appropriate amount; Oil: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: God Level. Detailed Steps for Cooking Green Tea Powder Pancake ...

Main Ingredients: Egg Yolks: 2; Milk: 20g; Cake Flour: 18g; Matcha Powder: 4g; Egg Whites: 4; Granulated Sugar: 40g. Additional Ingredients: Heavy Cream: 100g; Granulated Sugar: 10g; Maple Syrup: as needed. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate. 4th Matcha Recipe – Matcha Souffle Pancakes (No Baking Powder Version) Cooking Steps Beat 2 egg yolks, add 20g milk, ...

Main Ingredients: English muffin: 1 piece. Additional Ingredients: Tomato: 2 slices; Avocado: 1/4 piece; Cheese: 2 slices. Seasoning: BBQ sauce: as needed. Taste: Light; Technique: Baking; Time: Twenty minutes; Difficulty: Easy. English Muffin~~A Healthy and Simple Breakfast Cooking Steps Start by taking an English muffin and cutting it open on both sides. Peel and pit the avocado, then scoop out ...

Main ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Warm water: appropriate amount; Mung bean vermicelli and minced meat filling: appropriate amount (previously stir-fried). Auxiliary materials: White sesame seeds: a little; Edible oil: a little. Flavor: original flavor; Cooking method: frying; Time-consuming: ten minutes; Difficulty: simple. Make a savory and delicious pancake in the morning, paired with a bowl of porridge or soy milk! ...

Main ingredients: Glutinous rice flour: 250g; Sweet bean paste: 250g. Additional ingredients: Water: 150g. Flavor: Other; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Advanced. Steps to make 【Northeast China】Nian Gao Bing Zi Mix glutinous rice flour and water to form a soft dough. Adjust the amount of water according to the type of glutinous rice flour used. Let the dough ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 300g; Carrot: 1; Cucumber: 1; Eggs: 2. Additional Ingredients: Salt: 2g. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Vegetable Pancake for Breakfast Scrape the carrots and cucumbers into thin shreds, add 2g of salt, mix well, and marinate for a while. Add the eggs and stir well with ...

Main ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Egg: 1; Ham sausage: 1; Pork floss: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Black pepper sauce: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Sesame: appropriate amount. Taste: savory; Cooking method: frying; Time: half an hour; Difficulty: ordinary. Steps for cooking Black Pepper Sauce Egg Roll Pancake Add appropriate amount of water to flour and stir well, then add appropriate ...

Pancake batter: 1 egg; 1/2 cup all-purpose flour; 2 tablespoons granulated sugar; 4 tablespoons milk; 1/6 teaspoon salt. Apple filling: 1 large apple; 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder; 1 tablespoon brown sugar; 7-10g butter. Topping: 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder; 2 tablespoons granulated sugar; 5-7g butter. Cooking: Butter, as needed. Flavor: Other; Technique: Skill; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Steps to make ...

Ingredients: Leek: 1 small bunch; Ham slices: 100g; Eggs: 3; All-purpose flour: 1.5 cups. Additional ingredients: Fresh milk: about 450ml; Salt: a little; Corn oil: appropriate amount. Taste: savory; Cooking method: frying; Time: half an hour; Difficulty: easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Leek, Ham and Egg Pancake Beat the eggs into the flour and mix them slightly. Slowly add milk ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Chinese cabbage leaves: appropriate amount; Scallion: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Pepper: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: scallion flavor; Cooking method: stewing; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Veggie Pancake One spoonful of flour. Chop scallion and add it in. Chop Chinese cabbage leaves and add them in. Add salt. ...

Main ingredients: Potatoes: appropriate amount; Coriander: appropriate amount; Corn kernels: appropriate amount; Fresh milk: appropriate amount; Flour: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Salt: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount. Flavor: milky; Cooking method: frying; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Healthy Nutritious Breakfast: Milk and Vegetable Pancakes Grate the potatoes into coarse shreds. Chop the coriander leaves finely. Prepare ...

Main Ingredients: Purple Yam: 200g; Water: 100g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Glutinous Rice Flour: 100g; Red Bean Paste: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Normal. Irresistible Purple Sweet Potato Cake – Purple Sweet Potato Cake Detailed Cooking Steps Steam the purple yam slices until cooked. (It is also possible to steam the whole yam without slicing, ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Warm water: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Materials: Cooked purple sweet potato: appropriate amount. Taste: Light; Technique: Pan-fried; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Low-fat Purple Sweet Potato Cake Cooking Steps Mix flour and appropriate amount of warm water into a dough. Knead the dough into a slightly soft texture and let it rest for twenty minutes. ...