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Main ingredients: Potatoes: appropriate amount; Coriander: appropriate amount; Corn kernels: appropriate amount; Fresh milk: appropriate amount; Flour: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Salt: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount. Flavor: milky; Cooking method: frying; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Healthy Nutritious Breakfast: Milk and Vegetable Pancakes Grate the potatoes into coarse shreds. Chop the coriander leaves finely. Prepare ...

Main Ingredients: Purple Yam: 200g; Water: 100g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Glutinous Rice Flour: 100g; Red Bean Paste: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Normal. Irresistible Purple Sweet Potato Cake – Purple Sweet Potato Cake Detailed Cooking Steps Steam the purple yam slices until cooked. (It is also possible to steam the whole yam without slicing, ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Warm water: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Materials: Cooked purple sweet potato: appropriate amount. Taste: Light; Technique: Pan-fried; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Low-fat Purple Sweet Potato Cake Cooking Steps Mix flour and appropriate amount of warm water into a dough. Knead the dough into a slightly soft texture and let it rest for twenty minutes. ...

Main ingredients: Flour: 300g; Eggs: 2. Auxiliary materials: White sesame seeds: 25g; Yeast powder: 3g; Edible alkali: 1g. Seasoning: Granulated sugar: 10g; Red sugar: 50g; Warm water: appropriate amount; Lard: 1 tablespoon. Taste: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for making Red Sugar Fermented Dough Cake Add eggs to the flour, and then add ...