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Main ingredients: 500g pitted jujube; 100g astragalus; 500g sugar. Additional ingredients: 200g yellow rice wine. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: Several days; Difficulty: Ordinary. Astragalus Jujube: A Nourishing and Beautifying Tonic for Moms – Detailed Cooking Steps Prepare the astragalus. Soak the astragalus in yellow rice wine. Add sugar and soak for more than 24 hours to soften the ...

Main ingredients: Red beans: 80g; peanuts: 40g; red dates: 9 pieces. Auxiliary ingredients: Brown sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet; Cooking method: boiling; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Four Red Soup for Nourishing Qi and Blood Prepare red dates and peanuts. Prepare red beans. Wash and soak the red dates for 5 minutes. Wash and soak the ...

Main Ingredients: Jujube: 200g; Walnut: 150g; Sesame: 25g; Goji Berries: 29g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Maltose: 150g; Starch: 25g; Butter: 25g. Seasonings: Water: 45g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Advanced. Steps to Make Jujube Walnut Sesame Cake Place the walnuts in a baking tray and put them in the oven. Bake at 150 degrees for about 10 minutes ...