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Main ingredients: Cheese: 4 slices; Ham sausage: appropriate amount; Lettuce: appropriate amount; Carrot: appropriate amount; Purple cabbage: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Cooked eggs: 2; Salad: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking method: grilled; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Sandwich cooking steps Prepare all the ingredients Toast the bread slices Spread plastic wrap on a slice of bread and place all the ...

Main ingredients: Bananas: 5; Yogurt: 250g. Auxiliary materials: Green orange: 1; Mango jam: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Process: Squeezing; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Making Banana Yogurt Mango Ice Cream Sandwich Prepare the ingredients Cut the bananas into small pieces and put them into the feeding port of the juicer, using the fruit puree cup Start the ...