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Main Ingredients: Almond flour: 60g; Powdered sugar: 60g; Egg whites: 52g; Caster sugar: 40g; Yellow food coloring: as needed. Filling: White chocolate: 100g; Whipping cream: 100g; Butter: 15g; Chopped cranberries: 80g; Gelatin sheet: 1. Flavor: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Chicken Macaron Cooking Steps Start by preparing the filling, melt white chocolate, cream, and butter over a ...

Main Ingredients: Lily Rose Porridge: 1 pack; Granulated Sugar: to taste. Additional Ingredients: Red Dates: 4 pieces; Water: to taste. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time Required: 1 hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Delicious and Refreshing – Lily Rose Porridge Prepare the ingredients, wash one small pack of rice, and remove the shells from the red dates. Add ...

Main ingredients: Shrimp: 6. Auxiliary materials: Kiwi: appropriate amount. Ingredients: Breadcrumbs: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount; Flour: appropriate amount; Chicken essence: appropriate amount; Water: appropriate amount. Taste: original flavor; Cooking method: fried; Time-consuming: ten minutes; Difficulty: simple. 【Fried Shrimp Tempura】Detailed Cooking Steps Take six fresh shrimp, remove the head and shell, leave a little bit of the ...

Main Ingredients: Pork Tenderloin: Appropriate amount (cut into strips); Pickled Vegetables: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: Small Chili Peppers: Appropriate amount; Minced Garlic: Appropriate amount; Cilantro: Appropriate amount; Lemon: Appropriate amount. Taste: Mildly Spicy; Cooking Method: Stir-Fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Dai Flavor – Stir-Fried Pork with Pickled Vegetables Detailed Cooking Steps Prepare the ingredients. Heat the oil in the pan ...

Main ingredients: Sweet corn: 2 ears; Butter: 40g; Milk: 1 box. Auxiliary materials: Sugar: 30g; Honey: a little; Salt: 1g. Taste: Milky; Process: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Creamy Sweet Corn – Comparable to KFC Be sure to use fresh and tender sweet corn, remove the silk and wash it clean. Cut the corn into ...

Main ingredients: Fresh shrimp: 200g; Chicken breast: 400g. Auxiliary materials: Choy sum: appropriate amount; Tomatoes: appropriate amount; Starch: appropriate amount; Coriander: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Boiling; Time required: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Shrimp and Chicken Meatball Soup Remove the fat, fascia, and tendons from the chicken breast. Remove ...