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Main Ingredients: Chicken breast: 250g; Dried porcini mushrooms: 20g; Asparagus: 5 stalks; Red carrot: 1/2; Corn: appropriate amount; Rice: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; Yellow butter: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Wine: appropriate amount. Taste: Light; Cooking method: Stir-fry; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Wild Porcini Mushroom Fried Rice Prepare the ingredients ...

Ingredients: 1 cup rice; 250g fresh shrimp; 1 carrot; 100g peas; 50g corn; 1/4 tsp oil; a pinch of salt; a pinch of pepper; 1/4 tsp cooking wine. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Braising; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Cooking 【Country-style Shrimp and Rice】A Fresh and Easy Spring Dish Ingredients as shown in the picture Peel and ...

Main ingredients: Leftover rice: 1 box; Eggs: 2; Garlic sprouts: some; Carrots: half. Auxiliary materials: Scallions: some; Oil: some; Salt: some. Flavor: Light; Technique: Stir-fry; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Colorful Fried Rice, Kids’ Favorite Prepare the ingredients; Chop the carrots, garlic sprouts, and scallions; Beat the eggs; Heat the wok and stir-fry the scallions ...

Main Ingredients: Cooked Rice: 500g; Carrots: 200g; Red Bell Pepper: 100g; Ham Sausage: 2 pieces; Scallions: 3 stalks; Dried Shiitake Mushrooms: 2 pieces; Eggs: 2. Seasonings: Soy Sauce: 10ml; Salt: 1 teaspoon. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Stir-Fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Colorful Fried Rice Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in hot water until soft, then ...

Main Ingredients: Rice: 1 bowl; Eggs: 3; Green Beans: 6; Cucumber: 1; Sausages: 2. Auxiliary Ingredients: Scallions: 2. Seasonings: Vegetable Oil: 20ml; Cooking Wine: 1 tsp; Salt: 2g; Chicken Essence: 1g. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Making Pineapple Egg Fried Rice Without Pineapple Prepare the ingredients. Cook the rice ...

Main Ingredients: Leftover Rice: 1 plate; Eggs: 2; Green Beans: 150g; Shiitake Mushrooms: 5; Garlic: 5 cloves; Ham: 60g. Seasonings: Salt: 2g; Chicken Powder: 2g; Soy Sauce: 2 tablespoons; Sesame Oil: 2g. Taste: Salty and Savory; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Colorful Fried Rice One plate of leftover rice. Cut the green beans ...

Main Ingredients: Pork Belly: Appropriate amount; Potato: Appropriate amount; Pumpkin: Appropriate amount; Yardlong Beans: Appropriate amount; Corn Kernels: Appropriate amount; Steamed Rice: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: Appropriate amount; Cooking Wine: Appropriate amount; Soy Sauce: Appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Potato and Pumpkin Fried Rice Slice the pork ...

Main Ingredients: Beef: appropriate amount; Chinese greens: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Leftover rice: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Peanut oil: appropriate amount; Oyster sauce: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Original; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Stir-fried Rice with Beef and Chinese Greens Set aside the leftover rice. Wash and slice the beef ...

Main Ingredients: Lettuce: appropriate amount; Eggs: appropriate amount; Beef: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Rice: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Peanut oil: appropriate amount; Oyster sauce: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Corn starch: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking method: stir-fry; Time: one hour; Difficulty: easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Lettuce Beef Fried Rice Wash and slice the beef into ...

Main Ingredients: Lamb Leg: 200g. Additional Ingredients: Carrots: Half; Rice: 1 bowl. Taste: Salty and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Yangtou Fried Rice Cook rice, carrots, and roasted lamb leg. Cut the carrots and roasted lamb leg into small pieces. Prepare the ingredients. Heat the oil in a pan, stir-fry the ...

Main Ingredients: Chinese sausage: appropriate amount; broccoli: appropriate amount; shiitake mushrooms: appropriate amount; pork belly: appropriate amount. Additional Ingredients: Rice: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Peanut oil: appropriate amount; salt: appropriate amount; oyster sauce: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking method: stir-fry; Time: one hour; Difficulty: easy. Steps for cooking Broccoli and Chinese Sausage Fried Rice Soak the shiitake mushrooms in water in ...

Main ingredients: Rice: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Kimchi: appropriate amount; Eggs: 2; Sausage: 1. Seasoning: Scallions: appropriate amount. Taste: salty and fragrant; Cooking method: stir-fry; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed steps for cooking Spicy Kimchi Fried Rice Let’s see how this tempting fried rice is made Prepare rice (for two servings), appropriate amount of kimchi, 2 eggs, and 1 ...

Main Ingredients: Rice: 1 bowl; Chinese bacon: 1 piece. Auxiliary Ingredients: Eggs: 2. Seasonings: Salt: 1 spoon. Taste: Salty and fragrant; Cooking method: Stir-fry; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. Steps for cooking Lorcha Fried Rice Beat one egg yolk and mix it evenly with the rice, then stir the remaining eggs, and cut the Chinese bacon into small pieces. Boil ...

Main Ingredients: Sea Urchin: appropriate amount; Rice: appropriate amount; Eggs: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Scallions: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Peanut Oil: appropriate amount; Lard: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Original; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Simple. Steps for Cooking Sea Urchin Fried Rice Cook the rice and let it cool. Add eggs and mix well. Set aside the ...

Main Ingredients: Leftover Rice: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Taro: Appropriate amount; Dried Shrimp: A little; Shiitake Mushroom: Two; Chinese Sausage: Appropriate amount; Bacon: A little; Napa Cabbage: A little; Purple Cabbage: A little; Carrot: Half; Scallion: Appropriate amount. Seasoning: Thirteen Spices: Appropriate amount. Flavor: Scallion; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Taro Fried Rice Main ...

Main Ingredients: Rice: 1 bowl; Eggs: 2. Additional Ingredients: 2 scallions; 3 garlic cloves. Seasonings: 2 tablespoons of soy sauce; Salt: to taste; Pork fat: to taste. Flavor: Garlic; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Homemade Egg Fried Rice Prepare the ingredients. Beat the eggs, chop the garlic and scallions. Fry the eggs and chop ...