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Main Ingredients: Bird’s Nest: 1 bowl. Additional Ingredients: Purified Water: Appropriate amount; Osmanthus Sugar: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Osmanthus Bird’s Nest Take out a bowl of bird’s nest. Put the bird’s nest into a measuring cup and pour in purified water. It must be purified water! Soak ...

Main ingredients: Sweet potatoes: 4. Auxiliary materials: Tin foil: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Baked; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for making Baked Sweet Potatoes (Kunbo Pot) Rinse the newly acquired Kunbo food-grade pot with water, dry it immediately with kitchen paper, and it can be used to bake sweet potatoes directly. Find a grill that is ...

Main Ingredients: High Gluten Flour: 350g; Milk Powder: 14g; Water: 220g; Butter: 28g; Granulated Sugar: 42g; Dried Cranberries: 105g; Salt: 6g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Yeast: 4g; Red Yeast Powder: 4g. Taste: Sweet; Process: Baking; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Making Red Yeast Cranberry Bread Soak the dried cranberries in cold water for 30 minutes, then drain and set ...

Main Ingredients: Bird’s Nest: 1 bowl; Coconut Milk: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Rock Sugar: 3-4 pieces; Small Mango: 1. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Steaming; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Coconut Milk Bird’s Nest by Sweetie Soak the bird’s nest in purified water for 4-8 hours in advance, and tear it into thin shreds as much as possible. ...

Main Ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 200g; Eggs: 1; Butter: 60g; Milk: 40g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Salt: 2g; Yeast: 2g. Flavor: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for making Steamed Red Bean Buns Mix 200g of low-gluten flour, 60g of butter, 40g of milk, 1 egg, 2g of yeast, and 2g of salt together to form a smooth dough. ...

Main ingredients: 7g dried bird’s nest, crushed; 10g cordyceps flower; 500g free-range chicken; salt, to taste. Additional ingredients: 30g honey dates; 20g goji berries. Flavor: original; Cooking method: stewing; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Steps to Cook Guangdong Famous Soup Dumplings – Bird’s Nest and Goji Berry Nourishing Soup Prepare the soup ingredients. Soak the soup ingredients (except for bird’s ...

Main Ingredients: Osmanthus sugar: appropriate amount; Gelatin sheets: 4 and a half. Auxiliary Materials: Water: 400ml. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Making Osmanthus Jelly First, prepare 4 and a half gelatin sheets (a little more is also fine) Stir and melt the gelatin sheets in hot water (the water should be slightly ...

Main Ingredients: Cooked Purple Sweet Potato: 200g; Flour: 350g; Yeast: 4g. Additional Ingredients: Cold Water: Appropriate amount; Granulated Sugar: 10g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Making Purple Sweet Potato Steamed Cake Steam the purple sweet potato until it is cooked and let it cool, then peel off the skin. Mash the sweet ...

Main Ingredients: Oranges: 2. Additional Ingredients: Carrots: 1. Flavor: Original; Technique: Juicing; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Making Homemade Healthy Drink – Carrot Orange Juice Prepare the ingredients. Peel and remove the seeds from the oranges. Cut the carrots into small pieces. Juice the ingredients in a juicer. The finished product can be diluted with cold water if ...

Main ingredients: Brown rice: about 150g. Additional ingredients: Tea leaves: as needed. Flavor: original; Technique: stir-fry; Time: several hours; Difficulty: moderate. Detailed steps for making homemade brown rice tea Rinse the brown rice with water, but do not rub it too much with your hands to avoid removing the surface material. Soak for 12-24 hours; Drain the water and spread ...

Main Ingredients: Yam: appropriate amount; Pork: appropriate amount; Glutinous Rice Flour: appropriate amount; Glutinous Rice: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Materials: Water: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; Chicken Essence: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount; Sesame Oil: appropriate amount; Cooking Oil: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Advanced. Steps for Cooking Yam Pearl Balls Won the ...

Main Ingredients: Purple sweet potato: 300g; Banana: 1; Vitamin C powder: 10g. Additional Ingredients: Milk: 200g; Condensed milk: 20g. Flavor: Milky; Technique: Pressed; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie – Rich in Dietary Fiber – Anti-Cancer, Detox, Digestion, and Weight Loss Recipe Steps First, prepare all the ingredients. As shown in the picture, it is worth noting ...

Main Ingredients: 2 dragon fish fillets. Auxiliary Ingredients: 1/2 carrot; 2 white mushrooms; 1 egg white; 1/2 box of smooth tofu; 1/2 lime. Seasonings: 1 tsp salt; a little oil; 1 tsp pepper; 1 tbsp cooking wine; 1 tbsp seafood sauce; 1 tsp prepared mustard; 1 tbsp tomato sauce. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: ...

Ingredients: Passion fruit: 1/2; Lemon: 2 slices. Additional ingredients: Warm water: 300ml; Honey: 10g. Taste: Sweet and sour; Cooking method: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to make Passion Fruit Lemonade Prepare honey, passion fruit, and lemon. Cut the lemon into slices. Cut the passion fruit in half. Put the lemon slices into a cup and add the passion ...

Main ingredients: 1 mango; 250ml milk; honey to taste. Additional ingredients: 1 orange; lemon to taste. Taste: Sweet; Method: Squeezing; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Mango Orange Milk Prepare the ingredients Peel and cut the mango into pieces Cut the lemon into slices and add a little to the mixture Peel and remove the seeds from the ...

Main Ingredients: Bitter Melon: 100g; Mineral Water: 500ml. Auxiliary Ingredients: Chrysanthemum: 6 flowers. Seasoning: Honey: 40g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Making Summer Health Drink: “Bitter Melon and Chrysanthemum Drink” Wash and remove the seeds from the bitter melon, then cut it into strips and set aside. Soak the chrysanthemum in hot ...

Main Ingredients: Purple Glutinous Rice: Appropriate amount; White Glutinous Rice: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Materials: Red Dates: Appropriate amount; Longan: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple. Steps for Cooking Beauty and Health Rice Dumplings Soak the purple glutinous rice for more than twelve hours. Soak the mixed glutinous rice for another five hours. Wash the ...

Main Ingredients: Strawberries: a few. Additional Ingredients: Black sesame sauce: two tablespoons; Cold water: one tablespoon; Edible bamboo charcoal powder: a little. Taste: Sweet and sour; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking with Strawberries Use a sterilized brush dipped in cold water to mix with the sesame sauce and draw the branches and leaves ...

Main Ingredients: Strawberries: 10; Eggs: 2; Flour: 1 large bowl; Cooking oil: appropriate amount; Mulberry: appropriate amount; Raspberry: appropriate amount; Milk: 1 box. Auxiliary Materials: White sesame: 10g; Black sesame: 10g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Fried; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Cat Ear Pastry Cooking Steps Make jam from mulberries, strawberries, and raspberries. If the jam is too thick, add ...

Main Ingredients: Pork Ribs: 750g; Chinese Yam: 300g. Seasonings: 3 Green Onions; 3 Slices of Ginger; 10 Sichuan Peppercorns; 15ml Cooking Wine; 8g Salt. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Braising; Time: 10 Minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Cook Braised Pork Ribs with Chinese Yam Cut the pork ribs into inch-long pieces and blanch them in boiling water. Peel and ...