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Main Ingredients: Red Dates: 10g; Goji Berries: 5g; Longan: 3 pieces; Red Date Tea: 30g; Boiling Water: 300ml. Additional Ingredients: Rum: 5cc. Taste: Other; Technique: Seasoning; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Making Red Date Rum Longan Tea Take out two red dates, remove the pits and slice them. Put 5g goji berries in a cup. Put the sliced ...

Main Ingredients: 1 snow pear, 2 rock sugar cubes, 10+ lotus seeds. Additional Ingredients: 10+ lily petals. Taste: Light; Cooking Method: Stewed; Time: 1 hour; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Snow Pear and Lotus Seed Soup with Rock Sugar Cut the snow pear into pieces. Add a few lily petals. After stewing the lotus seeds for half an hour, add ...

Main Ingredient: Bird’s Nest: 5g. Additional Ingredients: Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount; Red Dates: 5. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. ...

Main Ingredients: Corn: 30g; Sea Coconut: 20g; Lotus Seed: 30g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Coconut Milk: 50g; Syrup: 20g. Taste: Other; Technique: Other; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Lotus Seed Corn Sea Coconut Juice Cooking Steps Put 20g of sea coconut in a cup Then put in the lotus seeds Then add the corn Add in the syrup Add 50g of coconut ...

Main Ingredients: Donkey-hide gelatin: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Yellow wine: appropriate amount; Goji berries: appropriate amount; Red dates: appropriate amount; Walnut kernels: appropriate amount; Black sesame seeds: appropriate amount; Rock sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stewed; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for Cooking Yang’s Donkey-hide Gelatin Paste Prepare a bottle of yellow wine, chop the walnut kernels, ...

Main ingredients: Silver ear fungus: 1 piece; Peach gum: 5 pieces; Job’s tears: 10g. Additional ingredients: Rock sugar: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Stewed; Time required: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed steps for cooking Taoguo Yin’er Zaojiaomi Ingredients as shown. I used Yunnan single-clipped Job’s tears, which have a high soaking rate. 10g can produce a lot. Rinse the ...

Main ingredients: Chinese rice wine: 100g; Glutinous rice balls: 100g; Egg: 1. Additional ingredients: Raisins: a few. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for cooking Chinese Rice Wine Glutinous Rice Balls Prepare ingredients Boil water Add glutinous rice balls after water boils Add egg mixture and then Chinese rice wine after boiling Add goji ...

Main Ingredients: Red beans: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Brown sugar: appropriate amount; Water: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Red Bean Soup Rinse the red beans clean Add water and put it in a pressure cooker Select the tendon gear and cook for 35 minutes Serve a bowl of cooked ...

Main Ingredients: Dried Osmanthus: 1g; Honey: 5g. Additional Ingredients: Boiling Water: 300g. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Skillful; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Honey Osmanthus Tea Prepare the ingredients. Pour an appropriate amount of dried osmanthus into a tea cup. Pour in boiling water. Add an appropriate amount of honey and stir well. Cover and let it steep ...

Main Ingredients: Lemons: 3. Additional Ingredients: Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate amount. Flavor: Other; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: One day; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Cooking Lemon Paste Prepare lemons. Sichuan Anyue lemons have a better taste and can be purchased on Taobao or in supermarkets. Wash the lemons with water and salt. Cut the lemons into slices and remove ...

Main Ingredients: Lemons: 4. Auxiliary Ingredients: Rock sugar: 600g. Taste: Sour and Spicy; Technique: Stew; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Lemon and Rock Sugar Jelly Prepare 4 lemons and 600g of rock sugar. Rub the lemons with salt. Make sure to rub every “small pore” of the lemon thoroughly. After rubbing, rinse with clean water and ...

Main Ingredients: Tremella: appropriate amount; Dried Lily: appropriate amount; Red Dates: appropriate amount; Goji Berries: appropriate amount; Dried Longan: appropriate amount. Additional Ingredients: Rock Sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Red Date, Goji Berry, Lily and Tremella Soup Soak the Tremella until it softens, wash all the ingredients and ...

Main Ingredients: Bird’s Nest: 1 bowl. Additional Ingredients: Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Bird’s Nest with Rock Sugar Prepare a bowl of bird’s nest, weigh it and it should be 6.4 grams. Bird’s nest is divided into cup bowl, ov bowl and triangle bowl, among which ...

Main Ingredients: A Jiao: 250ml. Auxiliary Ingredients: Shaoxing Yellow Wine: 300g; Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount; Xinjiang Dried Dates: 300g; Walnut Kernels: 200g; Roasted Sesame Seeds: 500g; Dried Longan Meat: 100g; Goji Berries: 80g. Flavor: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking Method: Other; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking A Jiao Cake Tongrentang A Jiao. Crush the A Jiao and ...

Main ingredients: Tremella: half a flower. Auxiliary materials: Lotus seeds: about twenty; Red dates: appropriate amount; Rock sugar: appropriate amount; Goji berries: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet; Cooking method: stewing; Time: one hour; Difficulty: ordinary. Steps for making Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup Soak the Tremella until it expands, wash it clean, and tear it into pieces of your preferred size. ...

Main Ingredients: Potatoes: 5; Tomato sauce: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Milk: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet and sour; Cooking method: boiling; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: easy. #SpringWeightLoss# Tomato Mashed Potatoes Detailed Cooking Steps Cook the potatoes and set aside the tomato sauce. Peel the potatoes. Mash the potatoes with a spoon. Add milk. Add a little salt (no ...

Main Ingredients: Ai Ye (Artemisia argyi): 200g; Eggs: 4. Seasonings: Salt: Appropriate amount; Oil: Appropriate amount. Taste: Bitter; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Ai Ye Boiled Eggs Detailed Cooking Steps Choose fresh Ai Ye, remove impurities and stems, and soak in water. Wash and chop the Ai Ye. Beat 4 eggs in a bowl, add an appropriate ...

Main Ingredients: Chestnut Pumpkin: 1; Tremella: some; Red Dates: same amount as Tremella; Goji Berries: some. Additional Ingredients: Water: some. Taste: Light; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: 30 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Making Pumpkin Soup with Tremella and Red Dates Soak the Tremella and Red Dates in advance, and wash the pumpkin. Carve the pumpkin into a shape, and be ...

Main Ingredients: Peach gum: appropriate amount; bird’s nest: appropriate amount; coix seed: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Red dates: appropriate amount; goji berries: appropriate amount; rock sugar: appropriate amount; lotus seeds: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking Method: stewing; Time: several hours; Difficulty: ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Peach Gum and Bird’s Nest Porridge Prepare ingredients: Peach gum, coix seed, bird’s nest, ...

Main Ingredients: Tremella: appropriate amount; Pumpkin: one; Red Dates: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Water: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet and fragrant; Cooking Method: stewing; Time: several hours; Difficulty: simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pumpkin Red Dates and Tremella Soup Soak the tremella and red dates in advance, and wash the pumpkin. Peel and remove the seeds from the pumpkin, and cut ...