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Main Ingredients: Eggplant: 1; Onion: 0.4; Garlic: 8 cloves. Seasonings: Corn oil: 2.5 ml; Small chili peppers: 4; Scallions: 2; Chili powder: 15 ml; Oyster sauce: 30 ml; Soy sauce: 15 ml; Sugar: 1 ml; Vinegar: 2.5 ml. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. Detailed Steps to Make Delicious Eggplant Prepare the ingredients: eggplant, ...

Main Ingredients: Wood Ear Mushrooms: 30g (dried); Eggs: 2. Seasonings: Vegetable Oil: 50ml; Salt: 1 tsp; Soy Sauce: 1 tsp. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Stir-Fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. How to Stir-Fry Wood Ear Mushrooms Without Splattering Oil? Detailed Cooking Steps: Prepare the ingredients: wood ear mushrooms and eggs. Soak the wood ear mushrooms in water until ...

Main Ingredients: Egg: 1. Additional Ingredients: Fermented Rice Wine: 1 tablespoon; Sugar: a little; White Vinegar: 1 drop. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boil; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Chinese Steamed Egg Bring water in a pot to a boil. In an empty bowl, add fermented rice wine and sugar. Use hot water to rinse the fermented rice ...

Main Ingredients: Mixed nuts: 100g; Pumpkin: 300g; Olive oil: 40ml; Black vinegar: 20ml; Honey: 5g; Black pepper: 3g; Sea salt: 5g. Additional Ingredients: Lettuce: appropriate amount. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Roasting; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Making Mixed Nut Roasted Pumpkin Salad Cut the pumpkin into half-centimeter thick slices and chop the nuts. Take a baking ...

Ingredients: High-gluten flour: 200g; Milk: 100ml; Butter: 10g; Egg: 1g; Yeast: 2g; Green tea powder: 1g. Accessories: Eggs: 3; Cheese slices: 3; Cucumber: 1. Seasoning: Salt: Appropriate amount. Taste: Original; Technique: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Green Tea Egg Sandwich Put all the main ingredients into the bread machine, knead the dough, divide it into ...

Main Ingredients: Organic mixed greens: 140g. Additional Ingredients: Cashews: 1/8 cup (or chopped walnuts); Strawberries: 1/2 cup (or diced mango). Dressing Ingredients: Maple syrup: 3 tbsp; Olive oil: 1/4 cup; Lemon juice: 2 tbsp; Dijon mustard: 1 tsp. Taste: Sweet and savory; Method: Toss; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. ...

Main Ingredients: Dried lotus seed pods: 120g; Maple syrup: 3 tablespoons. Additional Ingredients: Fresh peach slices: as needed (for decoration). Taste: Sweet; Technique: Braising; Time: Twenty minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Refreshing Dried Lotus Seed Pods Prepare the Ingredients Soak the lotus seed pods in cold water for 6-8 hours Place in a pressure cooker with water covering ...

Main Ingredients: Quinoa: 30g; Yogurt: 100g. Additional Ingredients: Apple: 50g; Orange: 50g; Dragon Fruit: 50g; Pineapple: 50g. Taste: Sweet; Method: Mix; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. This Quinoa Fruit Salad Helps Me Stay Slim and It’s Delicious! Detailed Cooking Steps Soak the quinoa in water for 2-3 hours; Peel and dice the apple, orange, dragon fruit, and pineapple; Cook the ...

Main Ingredients: Egg: 1; Fish roe: as needed; Milk: 250ml. Additional Ingredients: Green peas: 50g; Corn kernels: 25g. Seasonings: Salt: 5g; Sugar: 5g; Meiji Xian (seasoning): 5g. Taste: Savory; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Twenty minutes; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Cooking Fish Roe Steamed with Fresh Milk Rinse the fresh fish roe; Mash the fish roe into a paste; Beat ...

Main Ingredients: Beef: 1 piece; Bell Peppers: half yellow and half red; Parsley: a small handful. Additional Ingredients: Ginger shreds: appropriate amount; Garlic paste: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Egg white: half; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount; Oyster sauce: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount; Cooking wine: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: ...

Main Ingredients: Small fish: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Cooking wine: appropriate amount; ginger: appropriate amount; garlic: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Rapeseed oil: appropriate amount. Taste: Spicy; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Spicy Fried Small Fish Preheat the oil in the pan and stir-fry the garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add the small fish and ...

Main ingredients: Eggs: 2; Toast: 4 slices. Auxiliary materials: Cheese: 2 slices; Milk: 20g; Butter: Butter. Seasoning: Freshly ground black pepper: a little; Salt: a little. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Baking; Time-consuming: 15 minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for cooking Energetic Quick Breakfast | Scrambled Egg and Cheese Sandwich Beat the eggs, milk, freshly ground black pepper, and salt ...

Main ingredients: Whole wheat bread: 3 slices; Eggs: 2; Fish sausage: 2 pieces; Avocado: 1. Seasonings: Black pepper: a little; Onion and garlic powder: a little; Olive oil: a little. Taste: Light; Cooking method: Fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for cooking Avocado, Egg, and Fish Sausage Sandwich Take three slices of whole wheat bread and dry roast ...

Main Ingredients: Shrimp: 350g; Potato: 1; Carrot: 1; Lettuce: 2 leaves; Eggs: 2; Flour: 3 tablespoons. Additional Ingredients: Scallions: 6. Seasonings: Salt: to taste; Pepper: 1 tablespoon; Fresh Chicken Broth: 1 tablespoon; Cooking Wine: 1 tablespoon; Sesame Oil: 1 tablespoon. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 30 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Steps to Make Shrimp and Vegetable Pancake Wash ...

Main Ingredients: Enoki Mushroom: 200g; Steamed Fish Soy Sauce: 2 tbsp; Yellow Bean Sauce: 1 tbsp; Garlic: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Sugar: 1/2 tbsp; Soy Sauce: 2 tbsp; Chopped Chili: 1 tbsp; Scallion: appropriate amount. Taste: Slightly Spicy; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Microwave Enoki Mushroom Cut off the roots of the enoki mushroom ...

Main ingredients: Pork chops: 1000g; Lemongrass: 2 stalks. Marinade: Garlic: 4 cloves; Shallots: 4; Oyster sauce: 2 tablespoons; Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons; Salt: 1/2 teaspoon; Black pepper: 1/2 teaspoon; Sugar: 3 teaspoons; Eggs: 2; Cornstarch: 4 teaspoons; Flour: 4 teaspoons; Cooking wine: 1 tablespoon; Corn oil: as needed. Dipping sauce: Thai sweet chili sauce: as needed. Taste: Salty and fragrant; ...

Main Ingredients: Pork chop: 200-300g. Seasonings: Soy sauce: a little; Cooking wine: 10g; Lemongrass: a little. Flavor: Original; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Delicious Pork Chop Wash the pork chop and set it aside. Place the pork chop on the chopping board and lightly pound each piece with the back of a ...

Main Ingredients: Eggs: 2; Bread: 2 slices. Additional Ingredients: Salt: about 1 gram; Salad dressing: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Skillful; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Egg Sandwich Cook the eggs and peel them. Take out the egg yolks from the eggs. Chop the egg whites. Add egg yolks, salt, and salad dressing on top of ...

Main Ingredients: Kelp: 300g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Thai Chili: as needed; Ginger: half piece; Garlic: one head; Wild Pepper: one bag. Seasoning: Sugar: one small spoon; Salt: appropriate amount; Soy Sauce: three spoons; Rice Vinegar: three spoons. Taste: Sour and Spicy; Cooking Method: Mix; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pickled Pepper Kelp Ingredients Needed: Kelp, Wild Pepper, ...

Main Ingredients: Dried Bird’s Nest: 3g. Additional Ingredients: Kiwi: 1; Mango: 1. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Pregnancy Beauty Cong – Mango and Kiwi Bird’s Nest Tutorial Detailed Cooking Steps Soak the dried bird’s nest in cold water for two hours, then tear it into strips and soak it for another two hours. Stew the ...