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Main Ingredients: Celery: 250g; Pork: 200g; Onion: 100g; Coriander: 20g; Egg: 1. Seasonings: Salt: 2 tablespoons; Soy Sauce: 2 tablespoons; Cooking Oil: 2 tablespoons; Thirteen Spices: 1 tablespoon; Pepper: 1 tablespoon; Chicken Essence: 1 tablespoon; Oil: 20ml; Flour: 500 pieces; Corn Starch: 20g; Warm Water: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Advanced. ...

Main Ingredients: Pork: appropriate amount; Celery: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Warm water: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Oil: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Oyster sauce: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Chicken essence: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Simple. Celery and Pork Fried Dumplings Cooking Steps Add 7 tablespoons of oil, ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 300g; Carrot: 1; Cucumber: 1; Eggs: 2. Additional Ingredients: Salt: 2g. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Vegetable Pancake for Breakfast Scrape the carrots and cucumbers into thin shreds, add 2g of salt, mix well, and marinate for a while. Add the eggs and stir well with ...

Ingredients for the Bun Dough: Warm Water: 250g; Flour: 550g; Yeast: 2g; Sugar: 10g. Ingredients for the Meat Filling: Ground Pork: 250g (with a ratio of 30% fat and 70% lean); Pumpkin: 500g; Scallion: half a stalk; Ginger: 3g; Cooking Oil: 1 tablespoon; Salt: 4g. Seasonings: Salt: 2g; Soy Sauce: 10g; MSG: 1g; Salt and Pepper: a small amount. Taste: ...

Main Ingredients: Sweet Potato: Appropriate amount; Flour: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Water: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Sweet Potato Pancake Cooked Sweet Potato Flour Peel and mash the sweet potato Add a spoonful of flour Add a little water and mix well Heat oil in the pan and put ...

Ingredients: Flour: 150g; Yeast: 3g; Butter: 10g; Warm water: 80g. Additional ingredients: Apples: as needed; Sausage: as needed; Sweet corn: as needed; Pizza sauce: as needed; Pizza seasoning: as needed; President Ande sliced cheese: as needed; Mozzarella cheese stick: as needed; Mozzarella cheese: as needed. Seasonings: Salt: 1g; Sugar: 5g. Taste: Creamy; Cooking method: Baking; Time: 30 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. ...

Main ingredients: High-gluten flour: 300g; Red yeast rice powder: 2g; Matcha powder: 2; Eggs: 2; Milk: 150ml; Yeast: 3g. Auxiliary materials: Strawberry jam: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Sugar: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Strawberry Baozi Ingredients as shown in the picture. Red dough: 200g flour + 100ml ...

Ingredients: All-purpose flour: appropriate amount; Stick noodles: appropriate amount. Accessories: Milk powder: appropriate amount; Yeast: appropriate amount; Eggs: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking method: steaming; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: simple. Steps for cooking steamed sponge cake One bowl of all-purpose flour, one and a half bowls of stick noodles, two handfuls of milk powder, one small bag of yeast powder, ...

Pancake batter: 1 egg; 1/2 cup all-purpose flour; 2 tablespoons granulated sugar; 4 tablespoons milk; 1/6 teaspoon salt. Apple filling: 1 large apple; 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder; 1 tablespoon brown sugar; 7-10g butter. Topping: 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder; 2 tablespoons granulated sugar; 5-7g butter. Cooking: Butter, as needed. Flavor: Other; Technique: Skill; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Steps to make ...

Main Ingredients: All-purpose flour: 110g; Cornmeal: 90g; Water: 100g; Yeast: 2g; Matcha powder for leaf: 2g; Flour for leaf: 48g; Water for leaf: 25g. Additional Ingredients: Corn kernels: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Autumn Harvest Corn Buns Mix all ingredients except for the leaf ingredients into a dough and ...

Ingredients: All-purpose flour: 100g; Salad oil: 10mL; Water: 50g; Sugar: 10g; Yeast powder: 1g; Salt: 1g; Pizza sauce: appropriate amount; Roasted chicken thigh meat: 1 piece; Red sweet pepper: appropriate amount; Mozzarella cheese: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet and salty; Cooking method: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal. Steps for making chicken pizza Prepare the ingredients, put them in a bowl ...

Main ingredients: Hand-grabbed cake: 1 piece; Sausage: 1 piece; Egg: 1 piece; Scallion: 10g; Black sesame: appropriate amount; Salad dressing: 10g. Auxiliary materials: Fresh milk: 1 box; Banana: 1 piece; Knot soup: 1 bowl. Flavor: scallion flavor; Cooking method: frying; Time-consuming: ten minutes; Difficulty: simple. Salad Hand-grabbed Cake #Salad# cooking steps Prepare the ingredients: hand-grabbed cake, egg, sausage, and scallion. ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Water: appropriate amount; Chinese chives: appropriate amount; Ham sausage: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: White radish: appropriate amount; Vegetable oil: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Satay sauce: appropriate amount. Taste: Jiang Xiang; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Jiang Xiang Chun Bing Mix 200g flour with 1g salt. Pour 100g water ...

Main ingredients: Flour: 150g; Baking soda: 1g; Water: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Yeast: 2g; Salt: 1g; Cooking oil: appropriate amount. Flavor: Other; Cooking method: Fried; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Mini Safe Fried Dough Sticks Add yeast, baking soda, and salt to the flour, mix well, add water to make dough. The dough should be soft. ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 200g; Sugar: 5g; Pumpkin: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Salt: 2g; Angel Yeast: appropriate amount; Purple Sweet Potato: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Steps to Make Rose Flower Steamed Buns Separately put the steamed purple sweet potato and pumpkin into a food processor and mash them into puree. Add flour, Angel ...

Main ingredients: 1 and a half cold steamed buns. Auxiliary materials: 1 egg; 100ml fresh milk; 3 small pieces of butter. Flavor: original; Cooking method: pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Egg and Butter Steamed Bun Slices Ingredients, sliced steamed buns, fresh milk, eggs, butter. Beat an egg into the fresh milk and stir well. Add ...

Main Ingredients: Spinach Juice: 100g; Flour: 210g. Additional Ingredients: Salt: 1g. Flavor: Original; Technique: Skill; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Spinach Cat Ears Blanch the spinach and blend it in a food processor, then filter the juice. Mix the flour and salt, and then add the spinach juice to make a smooth and slightly hard dough ...

Main Ingredients: Fermented dough: 500g. Additional Ingredients: Brown sugar: as needed. Taste: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 300g; Water: 170g. Additional Ingredients: Salt: 1/4 tsp. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Boil; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Making Homemade Dumpling Wrappers Prepare the ingredients Pour all the ingredients into a bowl Mix by hand until crumbly Use a mixer to knead the dough Knead until the dough is smooth, then remove it Place ...

Main Ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 200g; Eggs: 1; Butter: 60g; Milk: 40g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Salt: 2g; Yeast: 2g. Flavor: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for making Steamed Red Bean Buns Mix 200g of low-gluten flour, 60g of butter, 40g of milk, 1 egg, 2g of yeast, and 2g of salt together to form a smooth dough. ...