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Main Ingredients: Pork tenderloin: 150-200g. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; Cooking wine: appropriate amount; Chicken essence: appropriate amount; Black pepper powder: appropriate amount; Granulated sugar: appropriate amount; Egg: 1; Bread crumbs: appropriate amount; Salad oil: appropriate amount; Ketchup: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount. Taste: Other; Cooking method: Fried; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Crispy Fried Pork Chop ...

Main Ingredients: Pork Tenderloin: 500g; Egg: 1. Seasonings: Scallion, Ginger, Garlic: a little bit. Additional Ingredients: Cooking Oil: 50g; Salt: 5g; Chicken Essence: 2g; Five Spice Powder: 5g; Cooking Wine: 10ml; Marinade Powder: 50g; Cumin Powder: 5g. Taste: Five Spice; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: One day; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Pan-fried Pork Chop Cut the pork tenderloin into slices, ...

Main ingredients: Toast: 2 slices; Egg: 1. Seasonings: Salt: a little; Black pepper: a little; Salad dressing: 1 tablespoon. Taste: salty and fresh; Cooking method: boiled; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: simple. Detailed steps for cooking Quick Breakfast (3) Egg Sandwich Slice the toast Cook and peel the egg Add salad dressing, salt, and black pepper, mash the egg and mix ...

Main ingredients: 2 slices of bread; 2 slices of ham; 1 slice of cheese. Auxiliary materials: 1 egg. Seasonings: Some salad oil or butter. Taste: Sweet and salty; Cooking method: Fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Moderate. Steps to make French Toast Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Cut off the edges of the bread. Shape the cheese and ham. Take one ...

Ingredients: White bread: 6 slices; Egg yolks: 2; Milk: 100ML; Chocolate: 160g; Powdered sugar: 10g. Additional ingredients: Butter: 40g; Cinnamon powder: 5g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Other; Time required: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking High-Calorie Afternoon Tea: Chocolate French Toast Cut off the edges of the white bread. Put egg yolks and milk in a large bowl. ...

Main ingredients: Dumpling flour: 100g; Yeast: 2g; Water: 55g; Salt: 1/4 tsp; Sugar: 5g; Olive oil: 5g. Additional ingredients: Tomato sauce: appropriate amount; Small pineapple: 2; Banana: 2; Mozzarella cheese: 100g. Taste: milky; Cooking method: baking; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: easy. Detailed steps for cooking Pineapple Banana Pizza Dough: Dumpling flour 100g, yeast 2g, water 55g, salt 1/4 tsp, sugar ...

Main Ingredients: Noodles: 1 bundle; Pork: about 100g; Onion: 1/4; Scallion: 2 stalks; Yellow Bell Pepper: 1; Red Bell Pepper: 1. Seasonings: Ginger: 1 piece; Garlic: 2 cloves; Red Shallot: 1. Marinade: Salt: 1/4 tsp; Pepper: 1/4 tsp; Cooking Wine: 1/2 tbsp; Cornstarch: 1 tsp; Vegetable Oil: 1 tbsp. Blanching: Salt: 1/2 tsp; Vegetable Oil: 1 tbsp. Stir-Fry: Soy Sauce: ...

Main Ingredients: Potatoes: 100g; Black sesame seeds: 1g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Tomato sauce: 5g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for cooking Tomato Sauce Mashed Potatoes Peel and wash the potatoes, then steam them over boiling water until cooked. Mash the potatoes with a small spoon. Put the mashed potatoes into a pastry bag with a ...

Main ingredients: Milk: 75g; Salt: 1g; Granulated sugar: 5g; Bread flour: 120g; Yeast: 2g; Olive oil: 5g. Additional ingredients: Sweet sauce: 60g; Cinnamon apple filling: appropriate amount; Mozzarella cheese: 100g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Cinnamon Apple Sweet Pizza Cooking Steps Put all the dough ingredients into the bread machine and start kneading for 10 ...

Ingredients: Bread: 4 slices; Eggs: 2; Milk: 100g; Cheese slices: 2. Additional ingredients: Olive oil: appropriate amount; Fruit: appropriate amount; Maple syrup: appropriate amount. Taste: milky; Cooking method: frying; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Steps to make Cheese French Toast Put milk and eggs in a dish Mix well, if not mixed well enough, mix again Mix thoroughly to make ...

Ingredients: Pancake mix: 500g; Fresh milk: 150ml; Eggs: 2; Baking powder: 30g; Granulated sugar: 10g. Additional ingredients: Jam: as needed. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Baking; Time required: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Making Pancakes for Breakfast Prepare the pancake mix. Add baking powder. Fresh milk is best, but I used regular milk at home. Then beat two ...

Main ingredients: Crust: 75g all-purpose flour, 30g butter, 8g granulated sugar, 22g water. Toppings: 5 cherry tomatoes, 1 kiwi, 1/2 banana, a little lemon zest, mozzarella cheese, sweet salad dressing. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Baking; Time: 1 hour; Difficulty: Advanced. Mixed Fruit Pizza – Baking Fun with Freedom Cooking Steps First, make the crust by sifting the flour into a ...

Main Ingredients: Pork Chop: 2 pieces; Mint: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Materials: Salt: appropriate amount; Black Pepper: appropriate amount; Oyster Sauce: appropriate amount; Flour: appropriate amount; Butter: appropriate amount; Chicken Stock Cube: appropriate amount; Garlic: appropriate amount; Garlic Powder: a little; Carrot: 1. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Mint Fried Pork Chop ...

Main Ingredients: Pork chop: 3 pieces; Egg: 1; Bread crumbs: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount; Chicken powder: appropriate amount; Sugar: a little bit. Flavor: Garlic; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Fried Pork Chop Prepare the ingredients. Firstly, use the back of a knife to lightly beat the pork ...

Main Ingredients: Pork chop: 200-300g. Seasonings: Soy sauce: a little; Cooking wine: 10g; Lemongrass: a little. Flavor: Original; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Delicious Pork Chop Wash the pork chop and set it aside. Place the pork chop on the chopping board and lightly pound each piece with the back of a ...

Ingredients: 4 slices of bread; 300g chicken breast; 1 slice of cheese; 1 tomato. Seasonings: 1 tablespoon oyster sauce; a pinch of salt. Taste: salty and fragrant; Cooking method: frying; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Steps to make Chicken and Cheese Sandwich Wash the chicken breast and slice it into four pieces. Sprinkle a little salt and oyster sauce, and ...

Main Ingredients: 4 slices of bread; 8 slices of ham; 2 eggs. Additional Ingredients: 1 tube of salad dressing. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for making Ham Salad Roll 1 bag of bread, 1 bag of ham, 2 eggs, and 1 tube of salad dressing. Cut off the edges of the bread and flatten ...

Main ingredients: Vegetable oil: 25g; Water: 100; Yeast: 4g; Salt: 1/2 teaspoon; Sugar: 30g; High-gluten flour: 250g. Auxiliary materials: Egg yolk: 1; Sugar: 10g; High-gluten flour: 15g; Fresh milk: 65g. Taste: Sweet; Process: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to make Kasida Super Soft Toast 1. Kasida sauce: Mix all the ingredients in the auxiliary materials with chopsticks, then ...

Main ingredients: Cake flour: 65g; Fresh milk: 70g; Egg: 1. Auxiliary materials: Qubi strawberry jam: appropriate amount; Fine sugar: 20g. Accessories: Salt: a little. Taste: sweet and sour; Process: technique; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Mini Thin Crispy Stuffed Pancakes Cooking Steps Prepare the ingredients Mix egg yolk, milk, cake flour, a little salt, and 5g sugar together Sift the ...

Main Ingredients: Bread dough: appropriate amount; High-gluten flour: 200g; Low-gluten flour: 50g; Fine sugar: 25g; Fine salt: 1/4 teaspoon; Whole egg liquid: 30g; Fresh milk: 120g; Dry yeast: 3g; Butter: 25g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Pork patty: appropriate amount; Ground pork: 300g; Whole egg liquid: 20g; Flour: 15g; Cooking wine: 1 teaspoon; Butter: 20g; Salt: 4g; Soy sauce: 1 teaspoon; Diced onion: ...