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Main ingredients: Beef: 2 pieces; Mushrooms: as needed. Mustard sauce: Mustard: as needed; Salad dressing: as needed. Seasoning: Black pepper salt: as needed. Taste: slightly spicy; Cooking method: pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce Cut two pieces of beef into small pieces. I bought Wagyu beef, which has a beautiful marbling pattern. Sprinkle ...

Main Ingredients: Noodles: 1 portion; Sausage: 1 piece; Egg: 1; Green Vegetables: 1; Fish Tofu: 2 pieces; Mushrooms: 2. Additional Ingredients: Scallions: 1. Seasonings: Salt: 1 spoonful (added twice); Oyster Sauce: appropriate amount; Soy Sauce: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Egg and Sausage Fried Noodles Boil ...

Vegetables: Kale: as needed; Romaine lettuce: as needed; Purple cabbage: as needed; Cherry tomatoes: as needed; Sweet corn kernels: as needed. Meat and Eggs: Eggs: 2; Steak: 1 piece. Seasoning: Salad dressing: as needed. Flavor: Light; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Steak and Vegetable Salad Wash and chop the kale into small pieces. Wash ...

Main ingredients: Steak: 2 pieces. Auxiliary materials: Broccoli: appropriate amount. Seasoning: Rice oil: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and fragrant; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time-consuming: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed steps for cooking Pan-fried Steak Thaw the sirloin steak and set aside. Wash and cut the broccoli into pieces. Heat the pan and add oil. Put the steak in ...

Main ingredients: Broccoli: 1/2 head; Potato: 1/2; Oil-packed Tuna: 1 can; Green Mussels: 6. Auxiliary materials: Sweet Corn: appropriate amount; Green Peas: appropriate amount. Seasoning: Green Plum Salad Dressing: appropriate amount. Taste: Light; Process: Mix; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for cooking Green Mussel and Vegetable Warm Salad Prepare all ingredients. Remove the stems from the broccoli ...

Main Ingredients: Sirloin Steak: 2 pieces. Seasonings: Black Pepper Sauce: appropriate amount; Rice Bran Oil: appropriate amount; Sea Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak Thaw the sirloin steak in advance and set aside. Prepare the ingredients. Heat the pan and pour in an appropriate ...

Main Ingredients: Sirloin steak: 1 piece. Auxiliary Ingredients: Lemon slices: a few; Black pepper sauce: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Oil: a little. Taste: Salty and fragrant; Cooking method: Pan-fried; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pan-fried Sirloin Steak Thaw one piece of sirloin steak. Prepare lemon and black pepper sauce. Fry the steak with a little oil, turn ...

Main Ingredients: Tricolor spaghetti: 150g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Egg: 1. Seasonings: Italian pasta sauce: 100g. Taste: Sweet and Sour; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Tomato Tricolor Spaghetti (Little Tiger Version) Detailed Cooking Steps Cook the tricolor spaghetti according to the instructions and set aside. Heat up the Italian pasta sauce and set aside. Spray a little oil in ...

Main ingredients: Cabbage: 1/4; Ham slices: 50g. Auxiliary materials: Cheese slice: 1; Shredded cheese: appropriate amount. Seasoning: Salt: a little; Black pepper: appropriate amount; Butter: a little; Garlic: appropriate amount. Taste: salty and sweet; Cooking method: frying; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking the Most Popular Internet Celebrity Cabbage Beef Rolls Prepare the required ingredients; Melt a ...

Main ingredients: Pasta: appropriate amount; Onion: half; Minced beef: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Tomatoes: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Oil and salt: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Cooking wine: appropriate amount; Tomato sauce: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount; Boiling water: appropriate amount. Taste: salty and fresh; Cooking method: boiling; Time: one hour; Difficulty: easy. Steps for making Beef ...

Main ingredients: Beef: 500g. Auxiliary materials: Potatoes: 2; Carrots: 1; Onion: 1; Cabbage: 1/4; Flour: 50g; Tomatoes: 2. Seasoning: Butter: 20-25g; Tomato sauce: 70g; Cooking wine: 10g; Pepper: 2g; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: sour and salty; Cooking method: stewing; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: simple. Lobster Bisque Cooking Steps Cut the beef into small pieces and soak in water, then drain ...

Main Ingredients: French lamb chops: 2 pieces; Garlic: 1 head; Rosemary: 2 sprigs. Additional Ingredients: Black pepper steak sauce: appropriate amount; Olive oil: appropriate amount; Butter: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and fragrant; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Rosemary Garlic Pan-Fried French Lamb Chops Thaw the French lamb chops. Prepare the black pepper steak ...

Main Ingredients: Pumpkin: a piece the size of a palm. Auxiliary Ingredients: Coconut Milk: 20g; Water: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Coconut Pumpkin Soup Wash the pumpkin. Peel the pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin into pieces. Put the pumpkin in a bowl and set aside. ...

Main Ingredients: Steak: appropriate amount; Asparagus: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Butter: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; Black pepper powder: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for Cooking Steak and Asparagus Prepare fresh asparagus. Cut off the old roots and wash them. Boil water in a pot, add salt, and ...

Main Ingredient: Sirloin Steak: 1 piece. Auxiliary Ingredient: Cucumber: 1. Seasoning: Salt: appropriate amount; Black pepper: appropriate amount. Taste: Original; Cooking Method: Pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. Detailed Steps for Pan-fried Sirloin Steak Thaw the sirloin steak in advance and set aside. Prepare the seasoning packet. Wash and cut the cucumber into chunks. Heat a non-stick pan with a ...