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Main Ingredients: Flour: 400g; Water: 190g; Yeast: 2g. Additional Ingredients: Yellow food coloring: a little; Red food coloring: a little. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Cooking Zodiac Buns Knead the dough until slightly firm, let it ferment until it doubles in size. Adjust the amount of water according to the water absorption ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 100g; Dry yeast: 2g. Additional Ingredients: Apple: 1 piece; Pear: 1 piece; Cooked corn kernels: a small handful; Warm milk: a little; Cooked sesame seeds: a few; Pink food coloring: 1 drop. Seasonings: White sugar: 1 tsp; Brown sugar: 1 tsp. Flavor: Sweet; Technique: Skillful; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Advanced. Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions for Cute and Delicious ...

Main Ingredients: Baguette: 1. Additional Ingredients: Milk: 250ml; Eggs: 2; Maple Syrup: 2 tablespoons; Butter: 10g. Taste: Sweet and Salty; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Cooking Fried Baguette Cut off both ends of the baguette and slice it into 5-6cm wide pieces. Maple Syrup 250ml milk, 2 eggs, 15ml maple syrup Choose a baguette with ...

Main Ingredients: Toast: 4 slices; Pumpkin: 200g. Additional Ingredients: Maple syrup: 10g; Salad dressing: 2g; Walnut kernels: 8 pieces; Lettuce: as needed; Butter: as needed. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Pumpkin Maple Sandwich Cut the pumpkin into small pieces after peeling and removing the seeds, then steam until cooked. Mash the cooked pumpkin ...

Main Ingredients: Toast: 4 slices; Strawberries: 4; Cheese slices: 4; Egg: 1; Fresh milk: 2 tbsp. Additional Ingredients: Yogurt: 2 tbsp; Almonds: 1 tbsp; Maple syrup: 2 tbsp. Flavor: Sweet; Cooking Method: Pan-fry; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Strawberry Cheese Toast Sandwich Cooking Steps Prepare the ingredients Slice the strawberries and place a slice of cheese on the bottom Add ...

Main Ingredients: English muffin: 1 piece. Additional Ingredients: Tomato: 2 slices; Avocado: 1/4 piece; Cheese: 2 slices. Seasoning: BBQ sauce: as needed. Taste: Light; Technique: Baking; Time: Twenty minutes; Difficulty: Easy. English Muffin~~A Healthy and Simple Breakfast Cooking Steps Start by taking an English muffin and cutting it open on both sides. Peel and pit the avocado, then scoop out ...

Main ingredients: Brown rice: 1 bowl; Onion, chopped: 30g; Shredded meat: 20g; Egg: 1; Fresh milk: 1/2 tablespoon. Seasonings: Tomato sauce: 1 teaspoon; Salt: 1/5 teaspoon. Taste: Sweet and sour; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. ...

Main Ingredients: Lily Rose Porridge: 1 pack; Granulated Sugar: to taste. Additional Ingredients: Red Dates: 4 pieces; Water: to taste. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time Required: 1 hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Delicious and Refreshing – Lily Rose Porridge Prepare the ingredients, wash one small pack of rice, and remove the shells from the red dates. Add ...

Main Ingredients: Rice: 50g; Hawthorn: 6; Rock Sugar: 30g; Dried Rose Petals: 6. Auxiliary Ingredients: Water: 660g. Taste: Sweet and Sour; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 15 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Cooking Hawthorn Rose Porridge Prepare the Ingredients Wash the Rice Wash and Remove the Seeds from the Hawthorn Add the Washed Rice and Hawthorn to the Pot with Water ...

Main ingredients: Black rice: 60g; Coix seed: 60g; Millet: 30g; Rice: 30g; Dried rose petals: 8 pieces. Additional ingredients: Brown sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time required: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for cooking Rose Coix Seed Porridge Ingredients needed Wash black rice, coix seed, millet, and rice, and put them into an electric pressure cooker with ...

Main ingredients: Red rice: 80g; Lotus root: 100g; Glutinous rice: 30g; Rose sauce: 10g. Additional ingredients: Brown sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Stewed; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Rose-scented Red Rice and Lotus Root Porridge Prepare the ingredients Cut the lotus root into small pieces and prepare other ingredients as needed. Put glutinous rice ...

Main Ingredients: Peanuts: 100g; Dried Tremella: 20g. Additional Ingredients: Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Peanut and Tremella Porridge Prepare the ingredients; Soak the dried Tremella in warm water, remove the roots and tear into small pieces; Soak the peanuts in water for more than half an hour, ...

Main ingredients: 50g rice. Additional ingredients: 5g Tremella; 7.5g Chinese Yam. Taste: Original; Cooking method: Stewed; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple. Steps for Cooking Chinese Yam and Tremella Porridge Wash the rice and soak the Tremella for 2 hours in advance. If you feel the porridge is too bland after a cold, you can add a little rock sugar to ...

Main ingredients: Zongzi: 4 pieces. Auxiliary materials: Tremella: appropriate amount; Gelatinous honey dates: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for cooking Zongzi and Tremella Porridge Prepare the necessary ingredients. Soak the tremella in water. Wash the soaked tremella and put it in a clay pot with an appropriate amount of water. Place the ...

Main Ingredients: Yam: 1 section; Carrot: 1 section; Broccoli: 1 head; Rice: 2 handfuls. Seasonings: Soy Sauce: Appropriate amount; Chicken Essence: Appropriate amount; Pepper: Appropriate amount; Sesame Oil: Appropriate amount; Water: Appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Strengthen Your Kidneys, Bones, Lungs, and Stomach with Broccoli and Yam ...

Main Ingredients: White Rice: 4 cups; Chicken Thigh: 1 piece; Shallot: some; Red Onion: 5 bulbs. Seasonings: Garlic: 1 tsp. Additional Ingredients: Salt: 1/4 tsp; Fish Sauce: 2 tbsp; Sugar: 1/2 tsp; Curry Powder: 2 tbsp; Coconut Milk: 2 cups; Water: 2.2 cups. Taste: Coconut Flavor; Cooking Method: Braising; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Unknown. Steps to Cook Nanyang Coconut ...

Main ingredients: 1 1/2 cups of white rice; 120g of coconut milk; 1 1/2 cups of water; 1 handful of pandan leaves; salt to taste. Additional ingredients: 1/2 cup of fried peanuts; 1/2 cup of crispy small anchovies; some golden chicken wing buns; some fried small fish; 1 piece of fried egg skin; sliced cucumber. Taste: Other; Cooking method: Boiling; ...

Main ingredients: Chestnuts: appropriate amount; Chinese sausage: appropriate amount; Pork: appropriate amount; Dried shrimp: appropriate amount; Rice: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Green garlic: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Monosodium glutamate: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Mixing; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Chestnut Rice Prepare various ingredients: chestnuts, Chinese sausage, pork, dried ...

Main Ingredients: Potatoes: appropriate amount; Sour cabbage: appropriate amount; Pork: appropriate amount; Dried shrimp: appropriate amount; Rice: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Green garlic: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Monosodium glutamate: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Garlic flavor; Cooking method: Mixing; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Potato and Sour Cabbage Braised Rice Prepare various ingredients: potatoes, sour ...

Main ingredients: 2 cups white rice; 1 cup millet; 3 Guangdong-style sausages; a handful of black currants. Additional ingredients: Water: as needed. Flavor: Sweet; Cooking method: Braising; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for cooking Sausage and Black Currant Rice This is the measuring cup used. Wash the rice and millet thoroughly. The ratio of rice to millet is 2:1. ...