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Main Ingredients: 1 Snow Pear. Additional Ingredients: Lo Han Guo, as needed. Flavor: Original; Technique: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Steps to Make Lo Han Guo Snow Pear Tea Prepare the snow pear and Lo Han Guo. Peel the snow pear. It can also be used with the skin on, just make sure to wash it thoroughly. Cut ...

  Main Ingredients: Donkey-Hide Gelatin: 250g (1/2 pound). Additional Ingredients: Black Sesame: 150g (5.3 ounces); Walnut: 150g (5.3 ounces); Longan: 100g (3.5 ounces); Red Dates: 150g (5.3 ounces); Rock Sugar: 250g (8.8 ounces); Yellow Wine: 250g (8.8 ounces).     Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Advanced. Steps for Making Walnut, Red Date, Longan, Sesame, and Donkey-Hide ...

Main ingredients: Red beans: 80g; peanuts: 40g; red dates: 9 pieces. Auxiliary ingredients: Brown sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet; Cooking method: boiling; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Four Red Soup for Nourishing Qi and Blood Prepare red dates and peanuts. Prepare red beans. Wash and soak the red dates for 5 minutes. Wash and soak the ...

Main Ingredients: Pumpkin: 200g; Lily: 120g. Additional Ingredients: Red Dates: a few; Osmanthus Sugar: 1 tablespoon. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Cooking Osmanthus Lily Pumpkin Soup Peel the pumpkin, wash the red dates, and remove the old leaves from the lily. Wash the red dates, cut the pumpkin into small pieces, and soak ...

Main Ingredients: Laozao: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Cooked quail eggs: Appropriate amount; Red dates: Appropriate amount; Raisins: Appropriate amount; Edible rose petals: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: Rock sugar: 4-5 pieces; Water starch: Appropriate amount; Salt: A little; Lemon juice: 2-3 drops. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for Cooking Laozao Nourishing Soup Soak the dried rose ...

Main Ingredients: Pig trotters: appropriate amount; Wood ear mushrooms: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Dried rose petals: appropriate amount; Dried lemon slices: appropriate amount; Star anise: appropriate amount; Cinnamon: appropriate amount; Fennel: appropriate amount; Ginger: appropriate amount; Garlic: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Stewed; Time required: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Rose Pig Trotters Wash ...

Main ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 100g; Condensed milk: 100g; Red bean paste: 90g. Auxiliary materials: Egg yolk: 1; Aluminum-free baking powder: 2g; Food coloring: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps to Make Chicken Pastry Prepare ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 100g, Condensed milk: 100g, Egg yolk: 1, Red bean paste: 90g, Aluminum-free baking powder: 2g, Food coloring: ...

Main Ingredients: Rose Flowers: 200g; Granulated Sugar: 200g; Glutinous Rice Flour: 50g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Oil Dough: 1 portion; Water Dough: 1 portion. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Making Rose Flower Cake This time, I used one of the edible rose flowers, the bitter rose. This flower is not as big as the Damascus ...

Main Ingredients: Black Fish: 1 (about 1200g); Konjac: 500g; Soybean Sprouts: 250g. Seasonings: Sichuan Peppercorns: appropriate amount; Dried Chili Segments: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Yellow Wine: 1 tablespoon (about 15g); Light Soy Sauce: 1 tablespoon; Water Starch: 2 tablespoons; Scallion: appropriate amount; Roasted White Sesame Seeds: appropriate amount. Taste: Spicy and Numbing; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: ...

Main ingredients: 1 egg; 1 block of tofu. Seasonings: 1 tablespoon of cooking wine; 1 tablespoon of soy sauce; 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce; Salt to taste; Some cornstarch; Some scallions; 1 tablespoon of sugar; Some ginger. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Braised; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for cooking Guo Ta Dou Fu (Pan-Fried Tofu) Cut ...

Main Ingredients: Pork chop: 1 piece. Auxiliary Ingredients: Dried scallops: appropriate amount; Pan-fried potatoes: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Cooking wine: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Honey: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Braised; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps for cooking Teriyaki Pork Chop Use the back of a knife to tenderize both sides of ...

Main Ingredients: Fennel: 300g; Pork: 300g; Wheat Flour: 500g. Seasonings: Sesame Oil: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate amount; Soy Sauce: Appropriate amount; Oyster Sauce: Appropriate amount; Pepper: Appropriate amount; Chicken Powder: Appropriate amount; Scallion: Appropriate amount; Ginger: Appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pork and Fennel Dumplings Knead ...

Main ingredients: Zongzi leaves: 1 bundle; Glutinous rice: 1000g; Baking soda: 10g; Pork belly: 400g. Seasonings: Salt: 12g; Cooking wine: 2 tablespoons; Soy sauce: 3 tablespoons; Dark soy sauce: 1 tablespoon; Oyster sauce: 1 tablespoon; Black pepper powder: 1/2 teaspoon; Five spice powder: 1/2 teaspoon; Cotton thread: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Boiling; Time required: 45 minutes; ...