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Main Ingredients: Ripe Avocado: 1; Cocoa Powder: 1/4 cup; Thick Coconut Milk: 1/2 cup; Chopped Nuts: as needed. Additional Ingredients: Maple Syrup: 1/4 cup; Vanilla Extract: a little; Salt: a little; Water: 1 tsp. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Step-by-Step Guide to Making Vegan Chocolate Milkshake Prepare all ingredients, use ripe avocados Cut the avocado into ...

Main Ingredients: 1 and a half oranges; 250ml yogurt. Additional Ingredients: 80ml cold water. Taste: Sweet and sour; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for making Orange Smoothie Prepare the oranges and yogurt. Wash the oranges. Cut them open. Put the flesh in a juice cup. Add the yogurt, and if it’s too thick, add some cold ...

Main ingredients: Pineapple: half; Strawberries: appropriate amount; Purified water: 40 ml. Auxiliary materials: Yogurt: 200g; Vitamin chrysanthemum powder: 10g. Flavor: milky; Process: squeezing; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed steps for cooking Fresh Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie First, prepare the required ingredients. Pineapple, strawberries (for decoration), yogurt, and vitamin chrysanthemum powder. Cut the pineapple in half. Remove the top and bottom ...

Main ingredients: 1 peach; 1 cucumber; 1/2 cup milk. Additional ingredients: A little sugar. Taste: Sweet; Process: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for making Peach Smoothie Prepare 1/2 cup of milk, wash the cucumber and peach. Peel and chop the cucumber, peel and dice the peach. Put the fruit into a blender and add milk. Blend the ...