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Main ingredients: White radish: 500g; Purple cabbage: 50g; Red chili pepper: 10g. Auxiliary materials: Salt: appropriate amount; White vinegar: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet and sour; Cooking method: mixing; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy. Detailed steps for cooking Fortune Peony Cut the white radish into thin, semi-circular slices and tear the purple cabbage into small pieces by hand. ...

Main ingredients: Flour: 500g. Auxiliary materials: Red bean paste: 100g; Sugar: 20g; Yeast: 6g; Baking powder: 5g; Edible red pigment: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time-consuming: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Longevity Peach Add yeast, baking powder, sugar, and an appropriate amount of warm water to the flour and knead it into a dough. Let ...