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Main Ingredients: Plain Flour: 500g; Pumpkin: 155g. Auxiliary Materials: Yeast: 6g; Red Bean Paste: Appropriate amount; Red Yeast Rice Powder: 1g. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Cute “Chicken” Celebrates Spring (Little Chicken Red Bean Bun) Cut the pumpkin into slices and put it in the microwave oven for 8 minutes ...

Main Ingredients: Ground Meat: 500g; Pumpkin: 1; Scallion: Appropriate amount; Flour: 600g; Egg: 1. Auxiliary Ingredients: Soy Sauce: 2 tablespoons; Salt: 1 tablespoon; Chicken Powder: 1 tablespoon; Thirteen Spices: 2 tablespoons; Sichuan Peppercorn Oil: 3 tablespoons; Ginger: Appropriate amount; Yeast: 6g. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Making Pumpkin Meat Buns ...

Ingredients for the Bun Dough: Warm Water: 250g; Flour: 550g; Yeast: 2g; Sugar: 10g. Ingredients for the Meat Filling: Ground Pork: 250g (with a ratio of 30% fat and 70% lean); Pumpkin: 500g; Scallion: half a stalk; Ginger: 3g; Cooking Oil: 1 tablespoon; Salt: 4g. Seasonings: Salt: 2g; Soy Sauce: 10g; MSG: 1g; Salt and Pepper: a small amount. Taste: ...

Main ingredients: High-gluten flour: 300g; Red yeast rice powder: 2g; Matcha powder: 2; Eggs: 2; Milk: 150ml; Yeast: 3g. Auxiliary materials: Strawberry jam: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Sugar: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Strawberry Baozi Ingredients as shown in the picture. Red dough: 200g flour + 100ml ...

Main Ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 200g; Eggs: 1; Butter: 60g; Milk: 40g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Salt: 2g; Yeast: 2g. Flavor: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for making Steamed Red Bean Buns Mix 200g of low-gluten flour, 60g of butter, 40g of milk, 1 egg, 2g of yeast, and 2g of salt together to form a smooth dough. ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Materials: Yeast: Appropriate amount; Water: Appropriate amount; Sugar: 5g. Seasonings: Filling: Pork filling: Appropriate amount; Cooking wine: Appropriate amount; Soy sauce: Appropriate amount; Five spice powder: Appropriate amount; Ginger powder: Appropriate amount; Pepper powder: Appropriate amount; Oyster sauce: Appropriate amount; Chicken essence: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate amount; Cooking oil: Appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and ...