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Ingredients: 8-inch round cake: 1; Oval-shaped cakes: 2. Additional Ingredients: Whipping cream: 500g; Sugar: 50g; Wine syrup: 30g; Blueberry jam: 30g; Rum: 10g; Dragon fruit: 1; Dark chocolate: 15g; Pink food coloring: as needed; Pomegranate: as needed; Silver sugar beads: as needed. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Skillful; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Making Shy Bunny Cake with ...

Main Ingredients: Dried Sea Cucumber: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Pure Water: Appropriate amount. Taste: Original; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Soaked Sea Cucumber Take an oil-free container, add enough pure water to cover the sea cucumber, cover with plastic wrap (the sea cucumber is very fishy, to avoid odor) and soak in the ...

Main ingredients: Flour: 500g. Auxiliary materials: Red bean paste: 100g; Sugar: 20g; Yeast: 6g; Baking powder: 5g; Edible red pigment: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time-consuming: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed steps for cooking Longevity Peach Add yeast, baking powder, sugar, and an appropriate amount of warm water to the flour and knead it into a dough. Let ...

Main Ingredients: Peanuts: 250g. Additional Ingredients: Refined Salt: 500g. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Roasting; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Easy. [Crispy Salted Peanuts] – Detailed Cooking Steps Rinse the peanuts and drain the water. Heat the pan over low heat and pour in the peanuts. Add the refined salt and keep stirring constantly while frying. At first, the peanuts will be ...

  Main Ingredients: Donkey-Hide Gelatin: 250g (1/2 pound). Additional Ingredients: Black Sesame: 150g (5.3 ounces); Walnut: 150g (5.3 ounces); Longan: 100g (3.5 ounces); Red Dates: 150g (5.3 ounces); Rock Sugar: 250g (8.8 ounces); Yellow Wine: 250g (8.8 ounces).     Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Advanced. Steps for Making Walnut, Red Date, Longan, Sesame, and Donkey-Hide ...

Main Ingredients: 1 apple. Additional Ingredients: Water: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Difficulty: unknown. Steps to Cook Apple Swan Wash and dry the apple, then cut it in half. Place the apple cut side down on a table, leaving a small strip in the middle about the size of the apple core. Use a fruit knife to make a vertical cut ...