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Main ingredients: Flour: 150g; Water: 120g. Auxiliary materials: Yeast: a little (less than 1g); Baking soda: 1g; Salt: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount. Flavor: Original; Cooking method: Fried; Time-consuming: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Making Oil Cake Dissolve the yeast in warm water. Mix baking soda and salt into the flour. Pour the yeast water into the flour ...

Ingredients: Flour: 200g; Water: 100g; Red bean paste: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Yeast: 1g; Baking soda: 1g; Sugar: 5g; Salt: 3g; Oil: a little bit. Taste: Original; Cooking method: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for making Layered Red Bean Cake Roll Measure the flour and make a few holes in the middle. Add yeast, salt, sugar, and baking soda. ...

Ingredients: Flour: 4 cups; Milk: 1 bag. Additional Ingredients: Yeast: 2 tablespoons; Baking powder: 1 tablespoon; Baking soda: 1 tablespoon. Flavor: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Making Homemade Chinese Fried Dough Sticks 4 cups of flour. Add 1 tablespoon of baking powder, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 15g of oil ...

Main Ingredients: Cornmeal: 5 tablespoons. Auxiliary Materials: Baking soda: 1 teaspoon. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Steps for making Soda Cornmeal Pancake Add boiling water to the cornmeal and stir with chopsticks until there is no dry flour. Put baking soda in a bowl and dissolve it in cold water. After the cornmeal in ...

Main ingredients: Tapioca: appropriate amount; Red bean paste: appropriate amount; Bamboo leaves: appropriate amount; Water caltrop: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Sugar: appropriate amount; Matcha powder: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Process: Boiling; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. May Dragon Boat Festival Warm-up – Crystal Tapioca Dumplings Cooking Steps Boil the dried bamboo leaves and water caltrop in boiling water for about ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 800g. Additional Ingredients: Water: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Red yeast rice powder: appropriate amount; Green tea powder: appropriate amount. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Advanced. Detailed Steps for Cooking Two-color (AB version) Vegetable Noodles 400g white flour, 200g pink flour (with a small amount of red yeast rice powder), and green flour ...

Main ingredients: Flour: 400g; Matcha powder: appropriate amount; Pork filling: 150g; Five spice powder: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Chicken essence: appropriate amount; Cooking wine: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Sweet potato starch: appropriate amount; Purple potato starch: appropriate amount; Celery: 80g; Cooking oil: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: ...

Main Ingredients: Green beans: 500g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Sugar: 100g; Maltose: 100g; Milk: 150g; Butter: 100g; Cranberries: appropriate amount; Matcha powder: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking method: Boiling; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Making Green Bean Cake Soak the green beans in advance for 10-12 hours. Remove the skin. Steam the green beans until cooked. Prepare ...

Main ingredients: Flour: appropriate amount; Red bean paste: appropriate amount; Matcha powder: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Yeast: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet; Cooking method: steaming; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: simple. Detailed steps for cooking Longevity Peach Knead flour and yeast into dough, add matcha powder to make green dough, and let it rise until it doubles in size. Cut into equal ...

Main Ingredients: Potatoes: 400g; Carrots: 1; Green Tea Powder: 5g. Seasonings: Salad Oil: 30g; Salt: 2g; Sugar: 20g; MSG: 2g. Taste: Sweet and Salty; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Advanced. 【Huizhou Cuisine】- Mandarin Duck Potato Mash Detailed Cooking Steps Wash the carrots and steam them in a pot. Wash the potatoes and steam them in a pot. Use ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 200g; Milk Powder: 20g; Carrots: 2; Milk: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Yeast: 6g; Matcha Powder: 5g. Seasoning: Sugar: 20g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps to Make Caterpillar Steamed Buns Prepare the ingredients. Wash and peel the carrots, then juice them. Add half of the flour, sugar, milk powder, and yeast to ...

Main ingredients: Flour: 200g. Auxiliary materials: Milk powder: 20g; Yeast: 5g; Red yeast rice powder: 5g; Matcha powder: 5g; Milk: appropriate amount; Black sesame seeds: appropriate amount. Seasoning: Granulated sugar: 10g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Steps to make Watermelon Steamed Buns Prepare the ingredients. Add flour, milk powder, and granulated sugar to milk and ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 250g; Ground Pork: 200g. Additional Ingredients: Green Tea Powder: 2 packs; Vegetables: as needed; Wood Ear Mushrooms: as needed; Scallions: as needed; Ginger: as needed. Seasonings: Salt: as needed; Monosodium Glutamate: as needed; Sesame Oil: as needed. Taste: Salty and Savory; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Steps for Making Green Tea and Vegetable Wontons ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 600g. Additional Ingredients: Green Tea Powder: 2 packs; Pumpkin Puree: appropriate amount; Chestnut Paste Filling: appropriate amount; Yeast: 6g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Chestnut Paste Steamed Buns Dissolve green tea powder and yeast in warm water, pour into flour and knead into dough. Steam pumpkin until soft, mash ...

Main Ingredients: Glutinous Rice Flour: 300g. Auxiliary Materials: Black Beans: 30g; Red Beans: 30g; Large Red Beans: 30g. Seasonings: Boiling Water: 150ml; Purple Sweet Potato Flour: 5g; Green Tea Powder: 5g; Sweet Potato Flour: 5g; Sugar: 45g; Sesame Oil: Appropriate Amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Korean Fancy Pastry – Finger ...

Main Ingredients: Flour: 500g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Milk Powder: 30g; Granulated Sugar: 50g; Green Tea Powder: 20g; Yeast: 5g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several Hours; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Green Tea Steamed Bun Roll Prepare the ingredients. Mix all the ingredients except for the green tea powder together. Add water slowly and mix until the dough is smooth ...

Main Ingredients: Black glutinous rice flour: 250g. Additional Ingredients: Granulated sugar: 80g; Water: 250ml; Cooking oil: 10g; Mung bean paste: 180g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to Make Black Sticky Rice Cake Prepare the ingredients. Add granulated sugar to the glutinous rice flour and mix well. Add water and gently stir with chopsticks ...

Main ingredients: Glutinous rice flour: 500g. Auxiliary materials: Artemisia juice: 250g; Sugar: 250g. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Fried; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. #Spring Food Wild Vegetable Fragrance# Qingming Artemisia Cake Cooking Steps Wash the fresh Artemisia leaves. Boil about 200ml of water in a pot, add 10g of baking soda, and blanch the Artemisia leaves in the pot. Crush the ...

Main Ingredients: Ai Cao (Artemisia argyi): appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Glutinous Rice Flour: 500g; Sticky Rice Flour: 100g; Fresh Zizania latifolia: appropriate amount; Sesame: appropriate amount; Salted Pork: appropriate amount; Pickled Radish: appropriate amount; Chinese Five Spice: appropriate amount; Peanuts: appropriate amount; Coconut Flakes: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; MSG: appropriate amount; Granulated Sugar: appropriate amount; Salad Oil: appropriate ...

Main Ingredients: Pigskin: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Scallion: 3 sections; Ginger slices: 3 pieces; Water: appropriate amount; Green tea powder: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking Method: steaming; Time: one hour; Difficulty: god-level. Detailed Steps for Cooking Creative Jade Corn (Shaped) Pigskin Jelly This is the pigskin boiled for the third time and cooked until soft again. ...