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Main ingredients: 150g shiitake mushrooms; 20g mushrooms; 30g seafood mushrooms; 15g straw mushrooms; 30g shimeji mushrooms; a little bit of green onion. Seasonings: 2/1 teaspoon black pepper; a little bit of salt. Taste: light; Cooking method: stewing; Time: half an hour; Difficulty: simple. Detailed steps for cooking Mushroom Soup Prepare the ingredients Cut the mushrooms into your desired size Chop ...

Main ingredients: One white radish. Auxiliary ingredients: Three flavors of QQ candy; one can of canned food. Seasonings: One spoonful of white sugar; a small spoonful of salt. Taste: Sweet; Process: Pickling; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Crystal White Jade Chrysanthemum Prepare the ingredients: QQ candy, white radish, canned food. Cut the white radish into rectangular ...

Main Ingredients: Italian squash: 3; mushrooms: 250g. Additional Ingredients: Carrots: 1. Seasonings: 2 cloves of minced garlic, 2 slices of ginger, 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of oil. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Stir-Fry; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Italian Squash and Mushroom Stir-Fry Detailed Steps Wash and cut the mushrooms in half. Cut the ...

Main Ingredients: Beef: 1 piece; Bell Peppers: half yellow and half red; Parsley: a small handful. Additional Ingredients: Ginger shreds: appropriate amount; Garlic paste: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Egg white: half; Soy sauce: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount; Oyster sauce: appropriate amount; Cornstarch: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount; Cooking wine: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: ...

Main Ingredients: Dragon Fish Fillet: 300g; Flour: 100g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Eggs: 2; Bread Crumbs: Appropriate amount; Chopped Onion: Appropriate amount; Tomato: 1; Bell Pepper: Appropriate amount; Cucumber: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: A few drops of Lemon Juice; 3g Salt; Appropriate amount of Black Pepper Powder; Cooking Oil: Appropriate amount; 25g French Mustard Sauce; 20g Honey; 15g Apple Cider Vinegar. Taste: Sweet ...

Main ingredients: Peach gum: 15g; Job’s tears: 10g; Rock sugar: 10g. Auxiliary materials: Snow swallow: 5g; Tremella: 5g. Taste: Other; Cooking method: Stew; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Snow Swallow Peach Blossom Tears Snow Swallow Porridge Cooking Steps Soak the peach gum for 20 hours, remove impurities and set aside; Soak the snow swallow for 20 hours, remove impurities and ...

Main Ingredients: Tremella: half piece; Peach gum: appropriate amount; Bird’s nest: appropriate amount; Soapnut: appropriate amount; Jujube: appropriate amount; Goji berries: appropriate amount; Lotus seeds: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Yellow rock sugar: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stewing; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple. Steps for Cooking Beauty and Nourishing Sweet Soup Let’s take a group photo first. Soak the ...

Main ingredients: Rock sugar: 25g. Auxiliary ingredients: Pear: 1. Ingredients: Lotus seeds: 30g; Lily: 30g; Goji berries: 10g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Clay pot; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Cough Relief and Lung Nourishment – Rock Sugar Pear Soup Wash 30g of lilies. Wash and soak 30g of lotus seeds for 10 minutes. Wash the pear. ...

Main Ingredients: Pig Trotter: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Ginger: Appropriate amount; Scallion: Appropriate amount; Dried Chili: Appropriate amount; Bay Leaf: Appropriate amount; Star Anise: Appropriate amount; Cinnamon: Appropriate amount; Sichuan Peppercorn: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: Mandarin Orange Oil: Appropriate amount; Cooking Wine: Appropriate amount; Meijia Soy Sauce: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate amount; Pixian Douban: Appropriate amount. Taste: Mildly Spicy; Cooking Method: ...

Main Ingredients: Lamb Rolls: 150g; Beef Rolls: 150g; Hot Pot Balls: 250g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Baby Bok Choy: Appropriate amount; Cabbage: Appropriate amount; Rape: Appropriate amount; Wood Ear Mushrooms: Appropriate amount; Enoki Mushrooms: Appropriate amount; Potatoes: Appropriate amount; Shiitake Mushrooms: Appropriate amount; Frozen Tofu: Appropriate amount; Duck Blood: Appropriate amount; Noodles: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: Pixian Douban Sauce: Appropriate amount; Salt: Appropriate ...

Main Ingredients: Crucian Carp: Appropriate amount; Large Shrimp: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Flat Beans: Appropriate amount; Stuffed Fish Balls: Appropriate amount; Stuffed Beef Balls: Appropriate amount; Crab Sticks: Appropriate amount; Broccoli: Appropriate amount; Bean Curd Skin: Appropriate amount; Old Tofu: Appropriate amount; Potatoes: Appropriate amount; Enoki Mushrooms: Appropriate amount; Tea Tree Mushrooms: Appropriate amount; Baby Bok Choy: Appropriate amount. Seasonings: ...

Ingredients: Green radish: appropriate amount; Carrots: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; Chili powder: appropriate amount; Five-spice powder: appropriate amount. Taste: sour and spicy; Cooking method: other; Time-consuming: several days; Difficulty: ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Pickled Radish with Carrots Cut green radish and carrots into strips, marinate with salt for half a day; Expose to the sun for a ...

Main Ingredients: Old Hen: 1. Auxiliary Ingredients: Scallion: appropriate amount; Ginger: appropriate amount; Jujube: appropriate amount; Goji Berry: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Cooking Wine: 1 tablespoon; Star Anise: 1; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Stewed; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Clear Stewed Old Hen First, process the old hen you bought; Open the ...

Main Ingredients: Spicy cabbage: 250g; Bone broth: 1 pot. Additional Ingredients: Soy sauce: as needed; Salt: as needed; Scallions: 2; Garlic: as needed; Chili paste: as needed; Clams: as desired; Tofu: as needed; Fish balls: as needed; Rice cakes: 10; Ginger: 1; Instant noodles: 1; Fatty pork: a little; Canned peas: as needed; Ham: as needed. Taste: Mildly spicy; Cooking ...

Main Ingredients: Anglerfish: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Ginger: appropriate amount; Dried Red Chili: appropriate amount; Scallion: appropriate amount; Grape Wine: appropriate amount; Oil: appropriate amount. Seasonings: Salt: appropriate amount; Soy Sauce: appropriate amount. Taste: Slightly Spicy; Cooking Method: Stir-fry; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Simple. Braised Anglerfish Detailed Cooking Steps Clean the anglerfish, shred the ginger and dried red chili, ...

Main Ingredients: Sea Cucumber: 2. Auxiliary Ingredients: Pork: 80g. Seasonings: Scallion: 15g; Ginger: 10g; Soy Sauce: 10ml; Maggi Seasoning: 10ml; Five Spice Powder: 2g; Broth: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Water Starch: appropriate amount; Oyster Sauce: 5ml; Peanut Oil: 25ml. Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Braising; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. Detailed Steps for Cooking Lv Cuisine Delicacy – ...

Main Ingredients: 3 water-soaked sea cucumbers. Auxiliary Ingredients: 150g lean and fat pork. Seasonings: 5g minced garlic; 5g minced scallion; 3g soy sauce; 5g sugar; 3g cooking wine; 3g salt; 1 small bowl of chicken broth; 20g vegetable oil; appropriate amount of water starch; a little chicken oil; several broccoli florets; several slices of bell pepper (green, yellow, and red). ...

Ingredients: Sweet Potatoes: 2. Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Baking; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Advanced. Detailed Steps for Baked Sweet Potatoes in Oven Prepare two sweet potatoes, wash them and dry the surface with kitchen paper Line the baking tray with tin foil and place the sweet potatoes on it Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes. After ...

Main Ingredients: Sweet Potatoes: 2. Auxiliary Materials: Tin Foil: Appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Baking; Time: One Hour; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Baked Sweet Potato First, line the baking tray with tin foil, preferably two layers, because the sugar juice that drips down during baking will stick to the tin foil and it is easy to ...

Ingredients: Sweet potatoes: 2. Accessories: Aluminum foil: 1 sheet. Taste: Light; Cooking method: Baked; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Baked Sweet Potato in Oven Choose sweet potatoes that are as uniform in size as possible, as they will cook at the same time during baking. After washing the sweet potatoes, place them on a baking sheet. Cover ...