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Main ingredients: 1 pear; several wolfberries. Additional ingredients: 15g rock sugar. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: 1 hour; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed steps for cooking Crystal Pear with Rock Sugar Prepare the ingredients and quantities. Use a ceramic knife to peel the pear. The pear surface will not oxidize from peeling until steaming compared to using a regular knife. Cut ...

Filling: Egg liquid: 80g; Milk: 105g; Heavy cream: 25g; Powdered sugar: 25g. Pastry: Low-gluten flour: 85g; Butter: 45g; Powdered sugar: 20g; Egg liquid: 6g; Heavy cream: 4g. Additional ingredients: Salt: 0.5g. Flavor: Sweet; Cooking method: Baking; Time required: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate. Detailed Steps for Cooking Hong Kong-style Egg Tarts Prepare the necessary ingredients. Beat the eggs and add powdered ...

Main ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 50g; Bananas: 2; Milk: 50g; Eggs: 1. Auxiliary materials: Oatmeal raisin mixture: 280g; Walnuts: 40g. Taste: Sweet; Process: Baked; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate. Banana Oat Energy Bars Cooking Steps Prepare all ingredients Slice the bananas Crush the walnuts Put the flour, egg, milk, crushed walnuts, and oatmeal together in the banana puree Mix the mixture ...

Main Ingredients: Pumpkin: 200g; Lily: 120g. Additional Ingredients: Red Dates: a few; Osmanthus Sugar: 1 tablespoon. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Cooking Osmanthus Lily Pumpkin Soup Peel the pumpkin, wash the red dates, and remove the old leaves from the lily. Wash the red dates, cut the pumpkin into small pieces, and soak ...

Main Ingredients: Potatoes: 5; Tomato sauce: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Milk: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount. Taste: sweet and sour; Cooking method: boiling; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: easy. #SpringWeightLoss# Tomato Mashed Potatoes Detailed Cooking Steps Cook the potatoes and set aside the tomato sauce. Peel the potatoes. Mash the potatoes with a spoon. Add milk. Add a little salt (no ...

Main Ingredients: Marshmallows: 250g. Auxiliary Materials: Peanuts: 140g; Whole Milk Powder: 180g; Sea Salt: 3g; Butter: 60g; Dried Rose Petals: 5. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Stir-fry; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Ordinary. Detailed Steps for Cooking Rose Sea Salt Nougat Prepare in advance Firstly, remove the dry rose petals and crush them for later use Then pour the crushed rose petals into ...

Main ingredients: Carrot: 1/2; Cucumber: 1/2; Apple: 1. Additional ingredients: Goji berries: 8. Flavor: Original; Technique: Other; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Cooking Fruit and Vegetable Platter – Peacock Display Prepare the ingredients. Cut the apple in half and do not throw away the apple seeds, they will be used for the peacock’s eyes. Leave a piece ...

Main Ingredients: Glutinous rice flour: 55g; Water: 80g; Taro filling: 60g; Red bean and lotus seed filling: 25g. Additional Ingredients: Cooked soybean flour: 30g; Butter: 8g. Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Normal. Steps to Make Taro and Red Bean Sweet Rolls Prepare the ingredients. Sift the glutinous rice flour through a sieve. Add water. Stir ...

Main ingredients: Cheese: 4 slices; Ham sausage: appropriate amount; Lettuce: appropriate amount; Carrot: appropriate amount; Purple cabbage: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Cooked eggs: 2; Salad: appropriate amount. Flavor: original; Cooking method: grilled; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: easy. Sandwich cooking steps Prepare all the ingredients Toast the bread slices Spread plastic wrap on a slice of bread and place all the ...

Main Ingredients: Pork: 200g. Seasonings: Yellow Wine: 3 tsp; Honey: 1 tsp; White Sugar: 1/2 tsp; Brown Sugar: 1 tsp; Oyster Sauce: 1 tsp; Soy Sauce: 2 tsp; White Pepper Powder: a little. Taste: Salty and Sweet; Cooking Method: Grilling; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Steps to Make Teriyaki Pork Chop Cut the pork into thick slices. Use the back ...

Main ingredients: Bananas: 5; Yogurt: 250g. Auxiliary materials: Green orange: 1; Mango jam: appropriate amount. Taste: Sweet; Process: Squeezing; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Making Banana Yogurt Mango Ice Cream Sandwich Prepare the ingredients Cut the bananas into small pieces and put them into the feeding port of the juicer, using the fruit puree cup Start the ...