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Main Ingredients: 1 Snow Pear. Additional Ingredients: Lo Han Guo, as needed. Flavor: Original; Technique: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple. Steps to Make Lo Han Guo Snow Pear Tea Prepare the snow pear and Lo Han Guo. Peel the snow pear. It can also be used with the skin on, just make sure to wash it thoroughly. Cut ...

Main ingredients: Ginger: 60g. Auxiliary materials: Coke: 600ml. Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Advanced. Ginger Coke cooking steps Prepare ingredients: ginger, Coke; Wash and shred the ginger, you can peel it for better taste; Put the shredded ginger into the pot; Open the Coke and pour it in; Pour all the Coke into the pot; Cover ...

Main Ingredients: Red Dates: 10g; Goji Berries: 5g; Longan: 3 pieces; Red Date Tea: 30g; Boiling Water: 300ml. Additional Ingredients: Rum: 5cc. Taste: Other; Technique: Seasoning; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps for Making Red Date Rum Longan Tea Take out two red dates, remove the pits and slice them. Put 5g goji berries in a cup. Put the sliced ...

Main Ingredient: Bird’s Nest: 5g. Additional Ingredients: Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount; Red Dates: 5. Taste: Other; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Ordinary. ...

Main Ingredients: Corn: 30g; Sea Coconut: 20g; Lotus Seed: 30g. Auxiliary Ingredients: Coconut Milk: 50g; Syrup: 20g. Taste: Other; Technique: Other; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Lotus Seed Corn Sea Coconut Juice Cooking Steps Put 20g of sea coconut in a cup Then put in the lotus seeds Then add the corn Add in the syrup Add 50g of coconut ...

Main Ingredients: Dried Osmanthus: 1g; Honey: 5g. Additional Ingredients: Boiling Water: 300g. Taste: Sweet; Technique: Skillful; Time: Ten Minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Honey Osmanthus Tea Prepare the ingredients. Pour an appropriate amount of dried osmanthus into a tea cup. Pour in boiling water. Add an appropriate amount of honey and stir well. Cover and let it steep ...

Main ingredients: Peach gum: a few pieces; Coix seed: a little. Additional ingredients: Fresh milk: appropriate amount; Water: a little. Taste: milky; Cooking method: stewing; Time required: 45 minutes; Difficulty: ordinary. Detailed Steps for Making Peach Gum and Coix Seed Milk Pudding Soak and wash the coix seed and put it in a container. Soak the peach gum in advance, ...

Main Ingredients: Red sugar: 50g; Hot water: appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Ginger: 4 slices; Kumquat: 2. Taste: Sweet and fragrant; Cooking method: Other; Time-consuming: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Simple. Detailed Steps for Cooking Red Sugar Water for Menstrual Period Prepare the ingredients. Put all the ingredients into the pot according to your own preference. Add an appropriate amount of hot water ...

Main ingredients: 50g dried plums; 3g licorice; 50g hawthorn slices; 1 piece of dried lemon; 10g dried tangerine peel; 4L water. Additional ingredients: Sugar to taste. Taste: Sour and sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to make Plum Juice (Sour Plum Juice) Rinse the ingredients. Add the ingredients to a pot, pour in water, and ...

Main Ingredients: Dried Rose Petals: 5 pieces; Goji Berries: 6 pieces; Buddha’s Hand Flavored Tea Bag: 1 bag. Additional Ingredients: Water: 300 ml. Flavor: Original; Technique: Boiling; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Detailed Steps for Making Rose and Buddha’s Hand Flavored Black Tea Ingredients: 5 pieces of dried rose petals, 6 goji berries, 1 bag of Buddha’s Hand flavored tea, ...

Main Ingredients: Dried Rose Flowers: 18 pieces. Auxiliary Ingredients: Dried Tangerine Peel: 5g; Poria: 5g; Dried Longan: 5 pieces; Goji Berries: 5g; Dried Lily: 5g; Red Dates: 5g. Seasonings: Mineral Water: 1500ml. Taste: Sweet and Fragrant; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Half an Hour; Difficulty: Simple. Steps to Make Healthy Flower Tea: Rose Lily Poria Tea First, prepare all the ingredients ...

Main Ingredients: Strawberries: 150g; Strawberry Cereal: Appropriate amount. Auxiliary Ingredients: Yogurt: 1 bottle. Taste: Sweet; Process: Mix; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Normal. Detailed Steps for Cooking Sweet Strawberry Smoothie Prepare the ingredients. Wash the fruit thoroughly. For fruits like strawberries with exposed flesh, be more careful when washing. I used the You Shi Jing Shi Ji machine to clean them, ...

Main ingredients: Yogurt: 3 small cups; Strawberries: 10; Half a red dragon fruit. Auxiliary materials: Milk: 100 ml. Taste: Sour and sweet; Process: Squeezing; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: Easy. Steps to make Gradient Juice Yogurt Cup Prepare all the ingredients and wash the ACA blender cup and blade assembly. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and cut them into small ...

Main ingredients: Jujube: appropriate amount; Millet: appropriate amount; Ginger shreds: appropriate amount. Auxiliary materials: Dried tangerine peel: appropriate amount. Taste: light; Cooking method: stir-fry; Time-consuming: 20 minutes; Difficulty: simple. Detailed steps for making Ginger Jujube Tea Prepare millet, ginger shreds, seedless red jujube, and dried tangerine peel. Stir-fry over low heat and add crushed dried tangerine peel. Fry until golden ...

Main ingredients: Red plum: 1000g. Auxiliary materials: Rock sugar or honey: 500-1000g. Seasoning: Salt: 5 spoons. Taste: Sweet and sour; Cooking method: Other; Time-consuming: Several days; Difficulty: Simple. Steps for making Plum Juice Pick out the too soft and damaged plums, wash them with water once or twice. Soak in salt water to remove the bitterness of the plums. Soak ...