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Almond Brownie

Almond Brownie

Dark chocolate: 70g; Butter: 50g; Eggs: 50g; Granulated sugar: 35g; High-gluten flour: 30g; Large almonds: 25g.

Additional ingredients:
Vanilla powder: 1/2 tsp.

Almond Brownie

Almond Brownie

Almond Brownie

Almond Brownie

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Prepare the ingredients

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Cut the dark chocolate and butter into small pieces and heat them in a bowl over boiling water, stirring constantly

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Take out the bowl when they are completely melted into liquid

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Add granulated sugar and stir well

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Add beaten eggs and stir well

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Add vanilla powder and stir well

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Sift in high-gluten flour and mix well

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Add chopped almonds and mix well

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Pour the mixture into a mold

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes on the middle rack

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Take out of the oven

Steps to make Almond Brownie

Let it cool completely, remove from the mold, and cut into pieces for serving