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Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Main Ingredients:
All-purpose flour: 110g; Cornmeal: 90g; Water: 100g; Yeast: 2g; Matcha powder for leaf: 2g; Flour for leaf: 48g; Water for leaf: 25g.

Additional Ingredients:
Corn kernels: appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Mix all ingredients except for the leaf ingredients into a dough and let it ferment for about an hour. Mix the leaf ingredients into a dough and let it relax in a plastic bag or wrap for later use.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Cook the corn kernels and set aside.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Take out the fermented dough and divide it into six portions.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Roll out each portion and add an appropriate amount of corn kernels.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Shape the dough into a corn shape.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Use a knife to create vertical lines.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Create horizontal lines and repeat for all portions of dough.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Roll out the leaf dough into thin sheets and cut into leaf shapes with scissors.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Brush the surface of the leaf with water and wrap it around the corn shape.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns

Steam until cooked.

Steps for Making Autumn Harvest Corn Buns
