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Bacon Cheese Rice Balls

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls

Main Ingredients:
White Rice: Appropriate amount; Bacon: Several slices; Cheese: Several slices.

Auxiliary Materials:
Sesame: Appropriate amount; Sesame Oil: Appropriate amount.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls

Taste: Salty and Fresh; Cooking Method: Other; Time: Twenty Minutes; Difficulty: Simple.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Mix the cooked white rice with black sesame seeds.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Add sesame oil and mix the rice balls evenly with disposable gloves.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Roll the rice balls into appropriate cylindrical shapes and lay them flat.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Lay the bacon flat on a mat.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Cut the cheese slices in half and place them on the bacon.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Roll up and cut off the excess bacon.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Roll into cylindrical shapes and place them in a baking pan lined with tin foil.

Bacon Cheese Rice Balls Cooking Steps

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius with both upper and lower heat, and bake for 10 minutes.