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Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Sweet potatoes: 2.

Aluminum foil: 1 sheet.

Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Taste: Light; Cooking method: Baked; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Steps for Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Choose sweet potatoes that are as uniform in size as possible, as they will cook at the same time during baking. After washing the sweet potatoes, place them on a baking sheet. Cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil so that the sweet potato oil that flows out during baking will drip onto the foil, making it easier to clean the baking sheet. When buying sweet potatoes, try to choose ones that are smooth and clean on the outside and have a hammer shape. Do not buy sweet potatoes that have sprouted or have black spots on the surface, as eating sprouted or black-spotted sweet potatoes can cause poisoning.

Steps for Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

Place the baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven and bake at 210 degrees for about 60 minutes. The power of each oven is different, so the baking time is for reference only. You can also check the status of the sweet potatoes in the oven a few times during baking, and gently press them with your fingers. If they are easy to press, the inside of the sweet potato is cooked. Sweet potatoes must be fully cooked before eating.

Steps for Baked Sweet Potato in Oven

When eating sweet potatoes, pairing them with a little pickled vegetables can help suppress the feeling of heartburn. Do not eat persimmons at the same time as sweet potatoes, as it can cause stomach ulcers or bleeding. People with poor digestion should eat sweet potatoes in moderation, while those with constipation can eat more sweet potatoes!