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Beef with Mustard Sauce

Beef with Mustard Sauce

Main ingredients:
Beef: 2 pieces; Mushrooms: as needed.

Mustard sauce:
Mustard: as needed; Salad dressing: as needed.

Black pepper salt: as needed.

Beef with Mustard Sauce

Taste: slightly spicy; Cooking method: pan-fried; Time: 10 minutes; Difficulty: easy.

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Cut two pieces of beef into small pieces. I bought Wagyu beef, which has a beautiful marbling pattern. Sprinkle some black pepper salt on the beef. Wash the mushrooms and set aside.

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Fry the beef pieces flat without flipping them until the bottom is browned, then flip them over and fry the other sides. Adjust the amount of oil in the pan according to the type of beef. The beef I bought is quite fatty, and a lot of beef fat will seep out when it is half-cooked, so I only added a very small amount of vegetable oil.

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Keep frying over high heat until the beef is half-cooked (the beef fat starts to seep out and the oil in the pan increases), then add the mushrooms and fry together. Mushrooms absorb a lot of oil, so if the beef is relatively lean, you can add some oil as needed. The beef doesn’t have to be fully cooked, and it’s best to eat it when it’s 80-90% cooked with a slightly pink center. If you’re not sure about the timing, you can fry the beef and mushrooms separately to avoid overcooking the beef. Sprinkle some black pepper salt.

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Mustard sauce: squeeze in mustard and salad dressing in a 1:1 ratio.

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Stir clockwise with chopsticks until the two are fully blended.

Steps for cooking Beef with Mustard Sauce

Dip the sauce and enjoy.