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Bird’s Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Bird's Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Main Ingredients:
Bird’s Nest: 1 bowl.

Additional Ingredients:
Yellow Rock Sugar: Appropriate amount; Goji Berries: Appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Stew; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Bird’s Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Steps for Cooking Bird's Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Soak the bird’s nest for about 2-3 hours. Mine doesn’t need to be picked for feathers, it’s very clean. It’s sold by my uncle in Indonesia, who says it’s good for pregnant women and nourishing for the skin.

Steps for Cooking Bird's Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Put the soaked bird’s nest, three large red dates, and water in a new stew pot for one person. Don’t add sugar yet. Wait until it’s done stewing to bring out the nutrition. Stew over boiling water for an hour. Don’t stew for too long. I used a Skyline stew pot.

Steps for Cooking Bird's Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Don’t add too much water. It’s best not to fill it up too much, otherwise some of the steam will escape. Cover the lid and start cooking.

Steps for Cooking Bird's Nest and Red Date Nourishing Soup

Add yellow rock sugar after stewing. The red dates are already soft and delicious, and they melt in your mouth. It’s easy to digest. You can also add a few goji berries according to personal preference.