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Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Water-milled glutinous rice flour: 150g; Purple sweet potato flour: 2g; Cold water: 125g; Bamboo charcoal powder: 1g.

Beef filling: 100g; Half a scallion; Black pepper powder: 3g; Salt: 2g; Soy sauce: 20g; Light soy sauce: 10g; Oyster sauce: 10g.

Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Taste: Savory; Technique: Boiling; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Prepare water-milled glutinous rice flour and beef filling.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Pour 150g of glutinous rice flour into a bowl, gradually add room temperature water. The glutinous rice flour absorbs water well. To prevent cracking, you’ll need about 130g of water, and the flour should not easily fall off a spoon.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Take a small glutinous rice dough ball the size of a red date, boil it in hot water for 1 minute until translucent, then mix it with the raw glutinous rice dough. This small ball helps prevent the rice balls from cracking.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Knead the glutinous rice dough until smooth and well-formed. If it deforms, it means there is too much water, so add more glutinous rice flour.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Take a ping pong ball-sized glutinous rice dough, knead it with purple sweet potato flour; take a longan-sized dough, knead it with bamboo charcoal powder; let them rest covered with plastic wrap.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

In the beef filling, add chopped half a scallion, salt, black pepper powder, light soy sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Stir the filling thoroughly in one direction without adding water.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Take a ping pong ball-sized glutinous rice dough, flatten it into a shallow bowl shape, place an appropriate amount of filling on the dough.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Gather the edges of the dough upwards, slowly seal and pinch tightly to form a ball. This is the raw Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Ball.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Sprinkle some glutinous rice flour on a plate, place each wrapped rice ball on top. At this stage, the basic rice balls are complete.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Next, make the small cow rice balls: take a peanut-sized purple sweet potato dough, shape it into an oval, then flatten it into an oval thin slice; stick it on the lower half of the rice ball to resemble the cow’s mouth.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Take a date-sized purple sweet potato dough, shape it into a date shape, cut it in half – these are the cow’s ears, dampen the bottom and stick them on top of the head.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Take a date-sized bamboo charcoal dough, shape it into a shuttle shape, cut it in half – these are the cow’s horns, dampen the bottom, and stick them between the ears on the head.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

This is how the mouth, ears, and horns are attached.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Take purple sweet potato and bamboo charcoal dough the size of a chili seed, knead them into small balls, dampen slightly, and stick them on the nose and eyes.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Gently press the tip of a chopstick inside the nose to create nostrils.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Roll the black dough thin and stick it between the nostrils to create a wide-open mouth.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Boil a pot of water, add the rice balls, simmer over medium heat until they swell and float to the surface.

Steps to Make Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls

Black Pepper Beef Glutinous Rice Balls, soft, savory, and delicious! Enjoy!