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Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Main ingredients:
Potato: 1; Milk: appropriate amount.

Salt: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon; Oyster sauce: 1 tablespoon; Black pepper powder: appropriate amount; Butter: 10g; Starch: 1/2 tablespoon; Water: 1 small bowl.

Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Taste: Salty and fresh; Cooking method: Steaming; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Steam the potato and mash it with milk and salt until it becomes smooth.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Line a bowl with plastic wrap and press the mashed potato into the bowl with a spoon to make it compact.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Invert the bowl onto a plate.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Remove the plastic wrap.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Add oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, starch, black pepper powder, and water to the bowl to make the sauce.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Melt butter in a pan.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Pour the sauce into the pan and cook until it thickens.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Pour the sauce over the mashed potato.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Delicious Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes are ready.

Steps for cooking Black Pepper Mashed Potatoes

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