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Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing – Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Main ingredients:
Jiangxi red rice: appropriate amount; coix seed: appropriate amount; glutinous rice: appropriate amount; red dates: appropriate amount; rock sugar: appropriate amount.

Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing – Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Pour two handfuls of red rice, one handful of glutinous rice, one handful of coix seed, and a few red dates into a clay pot.

Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

After washing with water, add about 8-10 times the amount of water, boil over high heat first, then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

The rice is swollen and starting to thicken. Stir with chopsticks a few times during the process to prevent sticking to the pot.

Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

Finally, add rock sugar and cook until it melts!

Detailed steps for cooking Blood-nourishing and Beauty-enhancing - Red Rice and Coix Seed Porridge

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