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Boost Your Energy with Oat Energy Bars

Boost Your Energy with Oat Energy Bars

Instant Oatmeal: 100g; Mixed Dried Fruit: 100g; Whole Wheat Flour: 50g; Brown Sugar: 20g; Maltose: 120ml; Unsalted Butter: 40g; Vanilla Extract: 3 drops; Honey: 5ml; Water: 5ml.

Boost Your Energy with Oat Energy Bars

Boost Your Energy with Oat Energy Bars

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Baking; Time: One hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Bake the oatmeal in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, then remove and let cool.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Cut the mixed dried fruit into small pieces.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Mix the maltose and unsalted butter, heat over water while stirring until completely melted, then add the vanilla extract.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Mix the whole wheat flour, brown sugar, and oatmeal together until well combined.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Add the mixed dried fruit and mix until well combined.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Pour in the maltose and butter mixture and mix until there are no dry spots.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Pour the mixture into a baking pan lined with parchment paper, cover with another layer of parchment paper and press down firmly. Remove the top layer of parchment paper.

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes until golden brown. Brush the surface with honey water and continue to bake for another 5 minutes. Remove from the oven. (Honey: water ratio is 1:1)

Detailed Steps for Making Oat Energy Bars

Cool completely before cutting into bars and enjoy.