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Caramelized Pistachios – New Year’s Gift

Caramelized Pistachios - New Year's Gift

Main ingredients:
Pistachios: 250g.

Additional ingredients:
Granulated sugar: 250g.

Caramelized Pistachios - New Year's Gift

Caramelized Pistachios - New Year's Gift

Caramelized Pistachios - New Year's Gift

Caramelized Pistachios - New Year's Gift

Caramelized Pistachios - New Year's Gift

Taste: Sweet; Cooking method: Stir-fry; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Moderate.

Caramelized Pistachios – Detailed Cooking Steps

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Prepare pistachios and granulated sugar.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Break the pistachios into small pieces.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Put the granulated sugar directly into a non-stick pan without water or oil.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Keep the heat low and slowly melt and color the sugar. Be patient and don’t rush.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Keep stirring until the sugar becomes syrupy and the surface is smooth without bubbles, then turn off the heat. (Don’t wait until the sugar turns black, or it will burn.)

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Quickly pour in the pistachios.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Quickly stir to coat the pistachios evenly with the syrup.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Immediately pour the mixture onto a non-stick baking sheet or cutting board (it won’t stick at all, it’s magical) and quickly press it flat.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Cut into small pieces quickly while it’s still hot. It’s hard to cut when it’s cold and hard.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Cut into small pieces immediately.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Finished product.

Caramelized Pistachios - Cooking Steps

Packaging suitable for takeout or visiting friends and relatives.