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Cheddar Cheese Toast

Cheddar Cheese Toast

Cheddar cheese slices: 1/2 slice; Fresh milk: 35g; High-gluten flour: 10g.

High-gluten flour: 200g; Sugar: 30g; Salt: 1/4 tsp; Water: 90g; Yeast: 3g; Butter: 15g; Dried cranberries: 35g.

Powdered sugar: 30g; Milk powder: 5g; Low-gluten flour: 50g; Butter: 40g.

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Tear the cheese slices into small pieces and add them to the milk. Cook over low heat while stirring until the cheese melts.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Add 10g of high-gluten flour and cook until it forms a dough. Remove from heat, let it cool, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Mix the refrigerated dough with 200g of high-gluten flour, 30g of sugar, 1/4 tsp of salt, 90g of water, and 3g of yeast in a bread machine. Mix for 15 minutes until the dough is slightly smooth.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Add 15g of butter and mix for another 20 minutes until the dough is stretchy.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Add the chopped dried cranberries and mix for another 10 minutes.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Put the dough in a container, cover it, and let it ferment.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

For the crumb topping, mix 30g of powdered sugar, 50g of low-gluten flour, and 5g of milk powder. Add 40g of chopped butter and mix until it forms a loose mixture. (Any unused mixture can be refrigerated.)

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Divide the fermented dough into three equal parts, roll them into balls, and cover them with plastic wrap for 15 minutes.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Shape the dough into long strips.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Braid the strips together.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Put the braided dough in a toast mold and let it ferment again in a warm, humid place. (A non-stick toast mold measuring 21.7cm*9.4cm*7.7cm is recommended.)

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

After the dough has fermented, brush the surface evenly with egg wash and sprinkle with the crumb topping.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Preheat the oven and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and immediately remove the toast from the mold.

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Finished product

Steps to Make Cheddar Cheese Toast

Finished product