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Cheese Pork Burger – Double Cheese for Energy

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy

Main Ingredients:
Bread dough: appropriate amount; High-gluten flour: 200g; Low-gluten flour: 50g; Fine sugar: 25g; Fine salt: 1/4 teaspoon; Whole egg liquid: 30g; Fresh milk: 120g; Dry yeast: 3g; Butter: 25g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Pork patty: appropriate amount; Ground pork: 300g; Whole egg liquid: 20g; Flour: 15g; Cooking wine: 1 teaspoon; Butter: 20g; Salt: 4g; Soy sauce: 1 teaspoon; Diced onion: 20g; Minced garlic: 5g; Black pepper powder: 1 teaspoon (freshly ground); Salad dressing: appropriate amount; Lettuce: appropriate amount; Tomato slices: appropriate amount; Cheese slices: appropriate amount.

Taste: Salty and savory; Cooking method: Grilled; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Moderate.

Cheese Pork Burger – Double Cheese for Energy Detailed Cooking Steps

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

Knead the dough until it can be stretched into a thin film, and check it.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

Ferment at room temperature until it doubles in size.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

Deflate, divide into 6 equal portions, roll into balls, and place them in a baking pan.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

After fermenting for about 20 minutes, the volume increases. Wet your hands, lightly press the dough, and continue to ferment (the CKF25B baking pan is a bit small, so the dough is divided into two pans for baking).

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, top and bottom heat, and bake on the middle layer for about 20 minutes. After taking it out, let it cool and put it in a sealed bag.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

For the auxiliary ingredients, mix the meat, egg, flour, cooking wine, butter, and salt in a bowl, stir until well combined, and then add soy sauce, onion, garlic, and black pepper to make the meat filling.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

Divide the meat filling into 6 portions, flatten them to a diameter of about 8CM, and place them in a baking pan. Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes, turn them over after 10 minutes, and continue to bake until the surface of the meat patty is cooked.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

Take out the bread, cut it into two pieces, and spread salad dressing on both pieces.

Cheese Pork Burger - Double Cheese for Energy Cooking Steps

The combination is as follows: bread, lettuce leaves, cheese, pork patty, tomato slices, cheese slices, lettuce, bread. Roll up your sleeves and enjoy!