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Chicken Pastry

Chicken Pastry

Main ingredients:
Low-gluten flour: 100g; Condensed milk: 100g; Red bean paste: 90g.

Auxiliary materials:
Egg yolk: 1; Aluminum-free baking powder: 2g; Food coloring: appropriate amount.

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time-consuming: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Prepare ingredients: Low-gluten flour: 100g, Condensed milk: 100g, Egg yolk: 1, Red bean paste: 90g, Aluminum-free baking powder: 2g, Food coloring: appropriate amount

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Stir the egg yolk and condensed milk until well mixed.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Sift the flour and baking powder into the egg yolk and condensed milk mixture.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Mix well.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Knead into dough. Wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Divide the red bean paste into 9 equal portions.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

The dough is very easy to shape after refrigeration. Roll it into a long strip and divide it into 9 equal portions.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Press one portion of dough into a thin round with a thick center and thin edges, and place the red bean paste in the center of the dough.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Wrap the dough around the filling.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Use your fingers to shape the dough into a chicken’s head.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Then shape the beak.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius, and make all the pastry embryos.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Place the pastries on the middle rack of the oven and bake at 160 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. You can adjust the temperature and time according to your oven.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

The top of the pastry should be slightly golden brown.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

After removing from the oven, let them cool for a while. When they are no longer hot to the touch, use a black food coloring pen to draw the chicken’s eyes. If you don’t have a food coloring pen, you can use melted black chocolate to draw them.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Use a pink food coloring pen to draw the beak and red cheeks.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

I love my family, my little brother, dad, and mom. Love means not arguing and playing with me often.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

I love my family, my son, daughter, and my dear wife. Love means enduring all the complexities of family life.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

I love my family, my son, daughter, and my dear wife. Love means giving and making sure the family is not lacking.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

I love my family, my little brother, dad, and mom. Love means not being jealous of what my little brother has and what I have.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

I love my family, my son, daughter, and my dear wife. Love means being grateful without counting the cost.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

I love my family, my son, daughter, and my dear wife. Love means cherishing time and youth.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Let love live in your home every day, let love live in my home every day.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Day and night, autumn and winter, spring and summer, love our home with all our heart and soul.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Let love live in your home every day, let love live in my home every day.

Steps to Make Chicken Pastry

Full of happiness and peace, let love live in our home forever.