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Chocolate Marble Cake

Chocolate Marble Cake

Cake flour: 250g; Sugar: 100g; Butter: 150g; Dark chocolate: 100g; Eggs: 3; Vanilla: 1 stick (or 1 tsp vanilla extract); Baking powder: 5g.

Taste: Sweet; Technique: Baking; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Melt butter, add sugar and vanilla seeds

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Whisk whole eggs, whisk the first egg for a while then add the second, whisk a little and then add the third, whisk until the color turns pale white and thick

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Add sifted flour, mix well

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Divide the batter into two equal parts, pour half into the butter-sugar mixture from the first step

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Put the other half into melted chocolate, mix well, if too dry, add a few spoons of milk, this will make it easier to mix.

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Line the baking pan with the butter batter at the bottom, then layer with a chocolate batter on top

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Then add another layer of butter batter

Steps for Making Chocolate Marble Cake

Use a knife to make a few cuts from bottom to top, allowing the chocolate sauce to spread irregularly everywhere (this requires skill, JuJu made a mess the first time, debated whether to upload this recipe, then convinced herself that taste is what matters, and finally decided to go for it haha), bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.