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Cocoa Cloud Toast

Cocoa Cloud Toast

Main Dough Ingredients:
High-gluten flour: 220g; Scalding ingredients: 20g; Dry yeast: 4g; Salt: 3g; Cocoa powder: 10g; Milk: 140g; Whole egg liquid: 20g; Sugar: 32g; Butter: 17g; Orange peel: 30g.

Soup ingredients:
High-gluten flour: 20g; Boiling water: 20g; Sugar: 1g; Salt: 0.2g.

Milk Crumble Ingredients:
Milk powder: 35g; Butter: 25g; Powdered sugar: 20g; Whole egg liquid: 12g; Cocoa powder: 2g.

Cocoa Cloud Toast

Flavor: Other; Process: Baking; Time: One day; Difficulty: Advanced.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Cooking Steps

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Prepare the ingredients and soften the butter. If the orange peel is too dry, soak it in a small amount of rum for a while.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

First, make the scalding ingredients by mixing all the ingredients together.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Knead into a dough and let it cool. You can wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to cool quickly.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

For the main dough ingredients, except for salt, butter, and orange peel, put all the ingredients into the bread machine to knead the dough.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Knead for about 10 minutes, then add salt and butter and continue kneading.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Knead until a thin film is formed, then add the softened orange peel (remove the water) and knead evenly.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Roll into a ball and ferment the dough, 28 degrees, for about 40 minutes.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Mix the cocoa milk crumble ingredients and put them in a pastry bag for later use.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Divide the fermented dough into 2 parts and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Roll out the dough, flip it over, flatten the bottom edge, and squeeze half of the milk crumble filling on top.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Roll up, making sure both are the same length, about 25 centimeters.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Do not cut the top, cut into 3 strips.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Braid into 3 strands.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Flip it over and roll it up from the top, forming a ball shape. Do not roll it too tightly. Put it in a water cube toast box to ferment.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Ferment until the mold is 8-9 full, brush the surface with egg liquid, sprinkle with a little sugar granules for decoration, or nuts if desired.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Bake in the lower layer of the oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Cocoa Cloud Toast Making Steps

Take it out of the oven, shake out the heat, remove it from the mold, and let it cool.