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Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Main Ingredients:
Glutinous Rice: 300g; Black Rice: 300g; Coconut Milk: 200ml; Water: 600ml; Coconut Oil: 50g; Taro Cheese Chia Seed Filling: 200g; Cheese Balls: 8.

Additional Ingredients:
Walnuts: appropriate amount; Dried Cranberries: appropriate amount; Red Dates: appropriate amount; Raisins: appropriate amount.

Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Taste: Sweet; Cooking Method: Steaming; Time: 45 minutes; Difficulty: Moderate.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Prepare the ingredients: 300g glutinous rice, 300g black rice, 600ml water, 200ml coconut milk, 50g coconut oil, 200g taro cheese chia seed filling, 8 cheese balls, appropriate amount of walnuts, raisins, dried cranberries, and red dates.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Wash 300g black rice and soak it in water for 2 hours. Pour it into an electric pressure cooker.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Wash 300g glutinous rice and pour it into the electric pressure cooker.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Pour in 600ml of water.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Pour in 200ml of coconut milk.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Select the rice cooking function for about 25 minutes.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Put 50g of coconut oil in a cooking bowl.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Pour the just-cooked glutinous rice into the bowl, mix well while hot, and let it cool.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Place a piece of plastic wrap in a bowl, and lay walnuts, red dates, raisins, and dried cranberries on top.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Take some glutinous rice and cover it on top, gently press it to fix it, so that the dried fruits are embedded in the glutinous rice.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Put a layer of taro cheese chia seed filling on top.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Place 2 cheese balls on top.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Then cover with another layer of taro cheese chia seed filling.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

After spreading it evenly, cover it with some glutinous rice, wrap it with plastic wrap, and shape it.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

Steam for 10 minutes when eating.

Steps for Making Coconut Taro Cheese Chia Seed Eight Treasure Rice Pudding

It can be pulled into strands when it is hot.