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Cream Cheese Checkerboard Cake

Main Ingredients:
Cocoa Chiffon Cake: 1 (8-inch); Ladyfingers: 200g (1 pack).

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Cream Cheese: 250g; Whipping Cream: 500g; Milk: 100g; Granulated Sugar: 130g; Gelatin Sheets: 4; Cocoa Powder: 3 tbsp.

Clean White Paper: 1 piece; Ribbon: 1.

Flavor: Creamy; Technique: Skillful; Time: One day; Difficulty: Moderate.

Steps to Make Cream Cheese Checkerboard Cake

Divide the cocoa cake into 3 layers.

Take out 2 cake layers and align them. Use a small knife to cut out 4 circles.

In a bowl, mix cream cheese, 100g sugar, and 100g milk. Stir the mixture over hot water until the cheese is smooth and without lumps.

Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water in advance, then melt them over hot water.

Add the melted gelatin to the cheese mixture and mix well.

In a dry bowl, whip the whipping cream until it is 70% fluffy.

Add the whipped cream to the cheese mixture and mix well.

Pour the cheese mixture into a piping bag with a small hole. Place 3 cake circles with gaps in between at the bottom of an 8-inch cake mold.

Squeeze the cheese mixture into the gaps of the 3 cake circles. See the picture below.

Place 2 cake circles with gaps in between on top of the white cream circles. Fill the gaps with cheese mixture. Repeat this process for the remaining 2 layers.

Spread the remaining cheese mixture over the top of the cake and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

Take a clean white A4 paper and draw a checkerboard pattern with a pen. Cut out the checkerboard pattern with scissors.

Prepare a pack of ladyfingers.

Take out the chilled cake and place the checkerboard pattern on top of it.

Sift a layer of cocoa powder evenly over the pattern.

Remove the pattern and voila! The checkerboard is done. Use a hair dryer to blow around the cake mold a few times to easily remove the cake from the mold.

Cut the ladyfingers into small pieces and place them around the edge of the cake. Tie a ribbon around the cake to secure the ladyfingers in place.

The finished product. Cream Cheese Checkerboard Cake is complete.

Cut the cake into pieces and serve.