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Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Main Ingredients:
White Congee: appropriate amount; Egg: one; Beef: a small amount.

Additional Ingredients:
Cilantro: a small amount.

Oil: a small amount; Salt: a small amount.

Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Taste: Light; Cooking Method: Boil; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Preparation: White Congee, one serving.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Marinated beef, cilantro.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

One egg.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Start by boiling the white congee.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Once the congee is boiling, add the beef slices and cook for about a minute.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Then crack the egg into the congee without stirring, cook for two minutes until the egg is partially set.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Season with a bit of salt, oil, and cilantro, then turn off the heat.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Serve hot.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Then stir the egg into the congee to make it tender and smooth since the congee is hot.

Steps for Making Egg Beef Cilantro Congee

Finished product.