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Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Main Ingredients:
Fennel: 300g; Eggs: 3; Flour: 500g.

Additional Ingredients:
Scallions: appropriate amount; Ginger: appropriate amount.

Five spice powder: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Sesame oil: appropriate amount; Soy sauce: a little.

Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Flavor: Original; Cooking Method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Knead the dough with water and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Wash and drain the fennel, then cut it into small pieces.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Chop the scallions and ginger and set aside.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Heat the oil and scramble the eggs.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Add the fennel, scallions, ginger, five spice powder, sesame oil, salt, and soy sauce to the eggs and mix well.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Divide the mixture into equal portions.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Roll out the dough into thin sheets, with the middle thicker than the edges.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Wrap the filling in the dough.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Boil the dumplings in water.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Remove the dumplings from the water.

Steps for Making Fennel and Egg Dumplings

Dip in sauce and enjoy!