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Fortune Peony

Fortune Peony

Main ingredients:
White radish: 500g; Purple cabbage: 50g; Red chili pepper: 10g.

Auxiliary materials:
Salt: appropriate amount; White vinegar: appropriate amount; Sugar: appropriate amount.

Taste: sweet and sour; Cooking method: mixing; Time: ten minutes; Difficulty: easy.

Detailed steps for cooking Fortune Peony

Steps for making Fortune Peony

Cut the white radish into thin, semi-circular slices and tear the purple cabbage into small pieces by hand.

Steps for making Fortune Peony

Put the radish slices and purple cabbage into a glass jar, add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, and a small amount of white vinegar (if you like a sour and spicy taste, you can add some red chili pepper), cover the jar and marinate for 10 hours. Generally, it is made in the evening and can be eaten for breakfast the next day.

Steps for making Fortune Peony

When purple cabbage meets white vinegar, it gradually turns into a very appetizing pink color. Next, arrange the marinated radish on a plate.

Steps for making Fortune Peony

First, arrange the first layer in a neat circle, which is the outermost layer of petals. The second layer is arranged with gaps offset from the first layer, and so on, layer by layer.

Steps for making Fortune Peony

Choose a thinner slice for the flower center and place three rolls.

Steps for making Fortune Peony

Decorate, serve, and enjoy!