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French Fries

French Fries

Main ingredients:
Salt: a pinch; Peanut oil: appropriate amount; Potato: 1.

Auxiliary materials:
Ketchup: appropriate amount.

Flavor: original; Cooking method: fried; Time-consuming: several hours; Difficulty: ordinary.

Detailed steps for cooking French Fries

Steps for making French Fries

Wash and peel the potato, cut it into even strips, and soak it in clean water for 20 minutes.

Steps for making French Fries

Drain the water from the potato strips and boil them in boiling water for about 3 minutes. After removing them, drain the water and let them cool. Then put them in the freezer to freeze.

Steps for making French Fries

The frozen potato strips can be fried and eaten at any time.

Steps for making French Fries

When the oil temperature is heated to about 70-80%, put the frozen potato strips in. Don’t put too many potato strips at once, otherwise they will stick together. The oil should cover the potato strips.

Steps for making French Fries

When heating, keep turning the potato strips to evenly heat them. After about 4 to 5 minutes, the potato strips will float up in the oil pan after losing water, the bubbles in the oil pan will decrease, and the color will turn golden yellow. Then they can be removed from the pan.

Steps for making French Fries

Remove and drain the oil from the French Fries.

Steps for making French Fries

Put them on a plate, sprinkle with a little salt, dip in ketchup, and enjoy!

Steps for making French Fries

The French Fries are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and they are so delicious!