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Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Main Ingredients:
High-gluten flour: 200g; Granulated sugar: 35g; Salt: 1/4 tsp; Whole egg: 35g; Yeast: 3g; Fresh milk: 100g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Unsalted butter: 15g; Corn kernels: 80g.

Taste: Sweet; Process: Baking; Time: Several hours; Difficulty: Ordinary.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Put the milk in the microwave and heat it on the “defrost” setting for two minutes.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Pour it into a bowl with sugar and stir with a spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Also heat the butter in the microwave to melt it.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Follow the instructions on the bread machine to put all the wet ingredients in first.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Then add all the dry ingredients except for the yeast.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Finally, make a slit in the flour and put the yeast on top.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Select program 8 – kneading and fermentation, which is expected to take an hour and a half.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

The dough starts to mix.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Mix until the dough is smooth, then add the butter and mix.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Slowly pour in the corn kernels and continue mixing for the last 5 minutes of the mixing program.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

After the mixing program is complete, the dough starts to ferment.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

After about an hour, the dough has doubled in size.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Sprinkle a thin layer of flour on the surface and knead the dough until smooth.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Deflate the dough, divide it into five equal parts, and put it in the mold.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Put a bowl of hot water in the microwave and put the dough in for a second fermentation.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

After about an hour, the dough has doubled in size again.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Brush the surface with egg liquid.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Preheat the oven and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius and bake for another 5 minutes.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Take it out of the oven when it’s done.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Corn Bread

Turn it over and remove it from the mold.