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Fresh Milk Mochi

Fresh Milk Mochi

Main ingredients:
Milk: 500ml.

Auxiliary materials:
Tapioca flour: 50g; Sugar: 20g; Soybean flour: appropriate amount.

Taste: Milky; Cooking method: Boiling; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed steps for cooking Fresh Milk Mochi

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Mix milk, tapioca flour, and sugar together.

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Pour into a pot.

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Cook on low heat.

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Cook until it becomes a paste, then turn off the heat.

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Put it in a container and refrigerate until it solidifies.

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Sprinkle soybean flour on a plate.

Steps for making Fresh Milk Mochi

Wrap the frozen milk block with soybean flour and enjoy!