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Fresh Milk Mochi

Fresh Milk Mochi

Main Ingredients:
Milk: 1 box.

Auxiliary Materials:
Tapioca Flour: 20g; Granulated Sugar: 20g.

Soybean Flour: Appropriate amount.

Fresh Milk Mochi

Taste: Milk flavor; Cooking method: Other; Time: Ten minutes; Difficulty: Normal.

Detailed Steps for Cooking Fresh Milk Mochi

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Mochi

Mix one box of pure milk with 20g granulated sugar and 20g tapioca flour.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Mochi

Stir constantly over low heat in a non-stick pan until thickened.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Mochi

Pour the mixture into a mold and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Steps for Making Fresh Milk Mochi

Sprinkle soybean flour on a plate, place small pieces of fresh milk mochi on top, and roll in cooked soybean flour.