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Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Main Ingredients:
Dragon Fish Fillet: 300g; Flour: 100g.

Auxiliary Ingredients:
Eggs: 2; Bread Crumbs: Appropriate amount; Chopped Onion: Appropriate amount; Tomato: 1; Bell Pepper: Appropriate amount; Cucumber: Appropriate amount.

A few drops of Lemon Juice; 3g Salt; Appropriate amount of Black Pepper Powder; Cooking Oil: Appropriate amount; 25g French Mustard Sauce; 20g Honey; 15g Apple Cider Vinegar.

Taste: Sweet and Salty; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: 20 minutes; Difficulty: Easy.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Dragon fish fillet, lemon juice, salt, black pepper powder, flour, 2 eggs, bread crumbs, cooking oil, chopped onion, French mustard sauce, honey, apple cider vinegar, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, etc.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Cut the fish fillet into appropriate size strips or pieces and set aside.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Chop the onion and put it in a bowl. Mix in French mustard sauce, apple cider vinegar, and honey. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate in the refrigerator.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Sprinkle salt, black pepper powder, and lemon juice into the cut fish fillet, then mix well with your hands to marinate for 10 minutes.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Beat 2 eggs in a bowl and set aside.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Dredge the marinated fish fillet in flour, then coat it evenly with egg mixture.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Then coat the fish fillet with bread crumbs and place it on a clean plate.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Heat the oil in a wok until it is 50% hot, then fry the breaded fish fillet.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

The oil temperature should always be kept below 60% hot. Fry the fish fillet over medium heat, but the oil temperature should not be too low, otherwise the fish fillet will be greasy and not delicious. The key to frying fish fillet is to control the oil temperature well. After the fish fillet is shaped, it should be turned over frequently to make the color even. When the surface of the fish fillet is fried to golden brown, it can be removed from the wok and placed on a plate.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

If you want to make a three-dimensional plate, you can place one fish fillet horizontally in the plate and place the other fish fillets on top. Finally, decorate the plate with tomato and cucumber slices.

Detailed Steps for Fried Fish Fillet with Sweet and Sour Mustard Sauce

Scoop the prepared mustard sauce into a tomato cup and serve.