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Garlic Chicken Strips

Garlic Chicken Strips

Main Ingredients:
Chicken breast: appropriate amount.

Auxiliary Materials:
Eggs: appropriate amount; Bread crumbs: appropriate amount; Starch: appropriate amount.

Garlic: appropriate amount; Salt: appropriate amount; Pepper: appropriate amount.

Garlic Chicken Strips

Garlic Chicken Strips

Garlic Chicken Strips

Flavor: Garlic; Cooking Method: Fried; Time: Half an hour; Difficulty: Simple.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips


Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Remove the chicken breast from the fascia, slightly beat it with a knife, and cut it into strips.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Cut some garlic into small pieces and set aside.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Put the cut garlic and chicken strips in a large bowl, add pepper and salt, and marinate until the flavor is absorbed.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Remove the garlic from the marinated chicken strips and coat them with a layer of starch.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Dip them in beaten eggs.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Coat them evenly with bread crumbs.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Repeat the above steps for all the chicken strips.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

Place a frying pan on the stove, add oil, heat it to 60% hot, and fry the chicken strips coated with bread crumbs until golden brown.

Steps to Cook Garlic Chicken Strips

The garlic flavor is rich, and the golden chicken strips are tempting.